Performance Archetype of Engineers I've Managed


Below are some shapes of engineers I’ve managed in my career and what I’ve learned about them. Pattern matching based on experience is important in an experiential field like management.

Trait Behaviors Lessons learned
Brilliant, unfocused Extremely productive and helpful, spends time on the wrong thing and spreading their impact too wide Reduce quantity of extracurricular activities, taking on tasks outside of the team should meet the ‘uniquely capable’ threshold
Unproductive, un-engaged Has the skills, but not delivering enough impact This is very difficult to recover, move them off to another team or manage out
High output, needs to be pointed at the right problem Highest output on the team, but needs guidance on applying that raw output to be effective Defining the right problem on their own can be difficult, identify the right altitude of problem for them to work on to unlock their abilities
Technically focused on a product team Tends to raise the importance of building higher quality or new abstractions not taking into account the context of the product, market, or user Set a decision framework for incremental code improvements, avoid rewrites, coach on the business needs and product thinking
Hard working, low skill Works really late, always busy, but low output or low quality Improve hiring bar, don’t overvalue hard work and avoid spending large amounts of time with low-performers
Learned helplessness, blames others or codebase often Avoids accountability, low quality output or slow, very unhappy or pessimistic Tends to be an environment mismatch, deliver strong and clear feedback and move quickly to manage out
Self-righteous, dogmatic, disruptive Strong opinions tightly held, thinks everyone else is wrong or doing a bad job, teammates complain about code reviews Coaching can work, but if there is any negative impact (e.g. people don’t like working with them) need to act very quickly or top performers will leave
Higher ownership, generalist Tend to act as the founders would act, with a wide range of skill they are company builders Nurture by giving stretch opportunities, encourage stepping out of role, build a better framework for measuring their success
Disagrees in private, disruptive to management Talking to them everything is fine, even when addressing a disagreement, but shares resentment privately Disruptive for the management team, can be difficult to address. Address directly, if there’s a pattern then move on
Low output, says all the right things When given feedback they say all the right things, some immediate improvement made, but same issue recurs Recurring low output feedback is a big red flag, especially for senior engineers
Highly skilled, entitled Doesn’t feel fully utilized, complains about compensation, moves around a lot Ask if they really want to be here, turn their feelings into a challenge and action

See also: