Dokku, Tailscale, and Letsencrypt


To set up SSL certificates for use with HTTPs on dokku you can use the letsencrypt plugin.

sudo dokku plugin:install

Next, create an IAM user for dokku-letsencrypt with a custom policy scoped to the hosted zone in Route53. Configure dokku with IAM credentials to pass the DNS-01 challenge:

dokku letsencrypt:set –global dns-provider route53 dokku letsencrypt:set –global dns-provider-AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID your_key dokku letsencrypt:set –global dns-provider-AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY your_secret dokku letsencrypt:set –global dns-provider-AWS_REGION aws_region dokku letsencrypt:set –global dns-provider-AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID your_hosted_zone dokku letsencrypt:set –global email <>

Enable letsencrypt for the app in dokku:

dokku letsencrypt:enable <app>

And set up cron job to auto renew certificates:

dokku letsencrypt:cron-job –add