OpenAI GPT models (GPT 4 at time of writing) do not accurately or consistently parse or manipulate dates.
For example:
- Giving wrong year: when converting 2023-12-13 to a Unix timestamp and it returns the wrong year (2022 instead of 2023)
- Wrong timezone: when converting an ISO date, it randomly adds on hours of time even if instructed to use UTC midnight
- Giving current date: when asked to convert 2023-12-13 into a timestamp and it sometimes gives today’s date
Links to this note
Langchain Self Query With Dates
Self querying by date using LangChain doesn’t work well. The default schema used for parsing natural language into the internal representation of
for querying a vector store does not work with dates because it uses the wrong type (it tries to use adict
but you can only filter using integers or strings).