The Minority Rule


Soft drinks in the US are all kosher. It’s not because the US population keeps kosher but because the majority don’t have a strong preference and a minority are absolutely adherent. As a result, it’s easier for soft drink manufacturers to make everything kosher.

In this way, a small group can have a large impact on the behavior of a wider population. Are there more examples like this?

(I heard about this in an interview with Nassim Taleb.)

  • Why Is Everything Liberal Literary Notes

    Why Is Everything Liberal argues that corporations are left-leaning even though half of people vote conservative because liberals care more. They support this claim with examples like protests, friendship, and dating preferences. At the peak of the Tea Party movement hundreds of thousands came out to protest compared to millions for the Women’s March and Black Lives Matter. In dating and friendship studies, the author shows that liberals have a more difficult time being friends or dating someone who voted for Trump than the reverse.