The Stronger the Tie Between Two Individuals, the More Overlap They Have in Friendship Circles


Given two people and a set of all persons with ties to either of them, the stronger the tie between the two people the more overlap exists between their friendship circles. Put another way, overlap between two networks is least when there is no tie between those two people.

See also:

  • All Bridges Are Weak Ties

    When it comes to network diffusion of information or influence, all bridges (a line in a network graph that represents the only connection between two points) are weak ties.

  • Unstructured Groups Form the Basis for Elites

    When there is no formal structure in a group of people that interact over any significant amount of time, informal structures appear. Informal structures are communication channels through networks of friends in the group that share similar beliefs and traits that give rise to influence. This is the nature of elites—a small group of insiders that exhibits informal influence over a larger group because they know how decisions are made.