Tri-Structural Isotropic Particle Fuel (TRISO)


A kind of fuel for nuclear reactors composed of a ‘sand’ of coated fuel pellets. This allows the fuel to expand and contract, but the fission products (e.g. gasses) stay contained. The fuel has a negative temperature reactivity coefficient which halts the fission reaction if the fuel reaches a certain temperature. This self regulation makes it much safer compared to conventional reactors.

See also:

  • Nuclear Micro-Reactors

    Smaller self-contained nuclear reactors that can be manufactured and shipped. Multiple micro-reactors can be combined for higher energy needs. It is believed to be safer because it can be manufactured and shipped (along with self-regulating Tri-structural isotropic particle fuel (TRISO) fuel) rather than custom built on-site as nuclear reactors are today. They use helium gas to cool the reactor which is also safer in case of excess heat and more efficient for generating electricity.