Using Grammarly With Emacs


There’s now an official API for Grammarly and a language server. That means we can use eglot to get Grammarly in Emacs buffers. Here’s the setup which mostly works.

Update: Grammarly announced they are discontinuing the API so this won’t work after January 10th, 2024. There are no good replacements. If I find one, I’ll add it here.

You can get an Grammarly API client ID by creating an app here.

Build the Grammarly VSCode extension:

git clone
cd grammarly
# Install pnpm if you don't have it installed already
npm install -g pnpm
# Build the extension and language server
pnpm build

Wrap the node based language server in a script:

node /{PATH TO REPO}/grammarly/extension/dist/server/index.node.js --stdio

Add it to the path or copy it to a global bin:

cp /{PATH TO REPO}/grammarlylsp /usr/local/bin/grammarlylsp
# Make it executable
chmod +x grammarlylsp

Configure eglot to use it when in markdown mode:

(defclass eglot-grammarlylsp (eglot-lsp-server) ()
  :documentation "Grammarly Language Server.")

(cl-defmethod eglot-initialization-options ((server eglot-grammarlylsp))
  "Passes the initializationOptions required to run
   the server."

(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
             `(markdown-mode . (eglot-grammarlylsp ,(executable-find "grammarlylsp"))))
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