These days I wake up very early for the puppy ~5:45 AM so between getting the dogs ready and starting work I have about three hours.
I begin with a new journal entry recorded which captures recent articles I’ve read, things on my mind, and anything else (it’s not very structured). I review my short term notes and cut new notes for anything I’m interested in recalling in the future. As I write the new note I flesh out the idea some more, often going back to the source material to make sure I really understand it. This is also when I add links to existing notes. I publish the notes to this site, it’s a great feeling to publish just a little bit every day.
I do ~20 minutes of exercise, usually cardio (running or indoor biking) interspersed with low-impact yoga every two days or so. I need to do this every day to maintain my mental health and I have not missed a day in 6 months. Cardio clears my head and leaves me feeling like I did something good for myself—it’s a successful day even before I’ve done anything else.
Links to this note
Reflections on Writing 500 Notes
I’ve now written 500 notes and roughly 84,000 words since May 25, 2020 in my Zettelkasten. Here are a few thoughts and observations.