Hyperfine Village Organizes Ideas Spatially


I came across the idea of a hyperfine village from Lisa Hardy. It’s a novel way to organize your ideas into a metaphorical “village” so you can more easily recall them in context later. Rather than search or rote memory to recall an idea later, you can go for a stroll in your village.

Hyperfine village might include:

  • The Cabin: journal, wardrobe, home-related things.
  • The Lab: experiments, work-in-progress
  • The Museum: finished works for archive
  • The Office: task lists and project management
  • The Library: books read or reading
  • The Garden: notes and ideas
  • The Planetarium: visions of the future
  • The Gazebo: community and people

This can be extended or changed as needed similar to how you might use a “mind palace” to assist with memory.

See also:

  • Our Digital Lives Are Siloed

    Most elements of our digital lives (e.g. apps) only exist within themselves and seldom work together. Because workflows are more useful than point solutions that leaves users with the burden of getting things to work together, humans are the interop layer.

  • Spatial Note-Taking Utilizes the Innate Relationship Between Space and Context

    Leaving notes in a way that takes advantage of our innate relationship with space and context. For example: leaving a post-it note on the door for the next time you head out to remind yourself to buy something you need. This spatial context relationship can be applied to our digital lives as well. Notes that live alongside emails are a much better cue than remembering to check your note-taking app for todos related to the person you are talking to or the email thread.

  • The Cozy Web

    There are many different layers to the web that people inhabit. The small, closed communities that exist within chat groups and apps like Slack are free from the industrialized public spaces that giants like Facebook and Twitter inhabit. On the cozy web, people can have better conversations with like-minded people.