Make It Easy to Say Yes to Making an Introduction


When asking for an introduction, make at is easy as possible for the person making the introduction. Share a short blurb (4-5 sentences) about your company (or yourself) so they can copy it into an email. Research before hand who you want to be introduced to and that the person you are asking knows them. Finally, write the email in a way that they can forward it directly with almost no effort (subject: looking to speak with X, body: I’d love to speak with X about Y, here’s a short summary of what we are doing).

See also:

  • Send a Forwardable Follow-up Email After Sales Calls

    Sometimes the person that reaches out for a demo is not the decision maker. They may be a user of the product with a vested interest in solving the problem. They may be gathering information for others.

  • § How to Make Your First Sales Before Launching

    Answering the question, how do you do early sales when you are pre-product?

  • A Curiosity Loop Contextualizes Advice

    Sometimes problems you encounter need an outside perspective to help you figure out what to do. A curiosity loop helps contextualize advice from multiple people in a way that makes it far more useful than getting overly generalized advice from one source.

  • How to Not Be Rude When Sending a Calendly Link

    Some people find it rude to receive a Calendly link when scheduling a meeting. It pushes the effort of finding a time onto them rather going through the ceremonial back and forth of recursively reducing the set of date times to a mutually agreeable one.