The Anthropic Principle Says the Universe Is the Way That It Is Because We Exist


The fact that humans exist with the capacity to observe and theorize about the universe is the explanation for the universe being the way that it is. The physics that creates the preconditions for intelligent life means that intelligent life could only ever observe this kind of universe. If other universes don’t support intelligent life, they will have different physics from our universe and, potentially, our physics is universal to intelligent life.

From The Beginning of Infinity and A Brief History of Time.

See also:

  • Frequency Range of Hearing Is Probably the Same in the Universe

    Organisms evolving independently on different planets will probably end up with the ability to hear things at the same frequency range as humans. That’s because the sound a predator makes as it approaches would be in the same spectrum regardless of atmosphere. Organisms that could react to these frequencies would have an advantage and survive.