• The Crypto Self-Tenured Class

    The growing population of cryptocurrency millionaires have created a new self-tenured class. They don’t need money and are free to work on pursuits that match their interests (likely more things related to Web3). This actually a good thing for innovation.

    Without the pressures of a stable paycheck, the self-tenured class can work on ambitious projects some which have no financial payoff. Has this ever happened in history?

    Read the tweet from Sam Lessin.

  • Science Is a War Against Skepticism and Dogmatism

    Both skepticism and dogmatism are counter to science. With too much skepticism, nothing can be believedβ€”not even our own senses. With too much dogmatism, the wisdom of crowds is unquestioned and quickly turns into the madness of crowds.

    Science requires a bit of both to be done effectively. Skepticism to drive the questions and low levels of dogmatism (faith) so that you can build on top of acquired knowledge.

    (I first heard this in a talk by Peter Thiel)

    See also:

  • How to Not Be Rude When Sending a Calendly Link

    Some people find it rude to receive a Calendly link when scheduling a meeting. It pushes the effort of finding a time onto them rather going through the ceremonial back and forth of recursively reducing the set of date times to a mutually agreeable one.

    To soften the blow to their ego, I find the following line works best:

    “How about a call next week? Let me know what works best for you (calendly link if that’s more convenient).”

    90% of the time, the person will schedule the meeting using the Calendly link and spare everyone the back and forth. I suspect the “if that’s more convenient” frames the desired outcome better. It shows you care about their time (convenience) and it’s offered as an alternative (not a command that comes off as presumptuous).

    Side note, some people have admins who manage their calendars. It’s best to work with them to book the meeting as it’s more likely the person you are trying to meet will rearrange their calendar. (You might still save them time by sharing your Calendly link for reference).

    See also:

  • Hypnagogia Improves Creativity

    Hypnagogia briefly occurs between wakefulness and sleep. A hypnagogic state can be achieved by purposefully waking yourself during this period and can result in a heightened state of creativity.

    Notable practitioners include Salvador Dali, Benjamin Franklin, and Albert Einstein.

    Composer Giuseppe Tartini wrote a violin sonata known as the Devil’s Trill after an experience where he listened to the devil play in a dreamlike state. It’s one of the most technically difficult pieces to play for violin.

  • Using Vale With Emacs for Prose Linting

    After looking into linting prose in Emacs, I found a way to roll your own prose linter setup using vale (an extensible prose linter), efm-langserver (a generic language server), and eglot (a language server mode for Emacs).

    Configure efm-langserver

    In /${HOME}/.config/efm-langserver/config.yaml add the following setup for linting with vale. (This was difficult to figure out because of the non-existent documentation, but I found someone else’s efm-langserver config for vale).

    version: 2
      - .git/
    log-file: /{SOME PATH FOR LOGS}/efm.log
    log-level: 1
      vale: &vale-lint
        prefix: vale
        lint-command: 'vale --output line ${INPUT}'
        lint-stdin: false
        lint-ignore-exit-code: true
          - '%f:%l:%c:%m'
        - <<: *vale-lint

    Configure Emacs

    In your Emacs init.el, configure eglot to use efm-langserver when using org-mode. Vale has support for org-mode files as of v2.2.

    (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)
    (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '((org-mode) "efm-langserver"))

    Now when you open an org-mode file in Emacs you’ll see all your prose linting issues!

    See also:

  • Turn Emacs Into a Focused Writing Tool

    Emacs can be customized to create a beautiful, focused writing environment akin to Ulysses, iA Writer, Bear, or other minimalist markdown editors.

    Reduce visual noise

    • Use writeroom-mode to hide frames and headings in the default emacs chrome
    • Compile emacs for the natural title bar in macOS. This further reduces visual noise and makes for a more minimalist look and feel.
    • Use a theme like doom-plain-dark or doom-plain-light for fewer colors and visual cues that can be distracting.
    • Change links styles to remove bold (it’s already underlined).
    • Hide markup characters like ~/emphasis/ by enabling org-hide-emphasis-markers to reduce the number of sigils like brackets, parenthesis, tick marks, etc.

    Use a different font for writing than for coding I personally prefer monospace fonts for writing because it pairs well with org-mode headings and gives it a typewriter look and feel.

    I don’t like to use the same font for writing as I do for coding. Mainly because it needs to look good larger than what I code in (Cascadia Code) and having a separation between writing and coding makes it easier to concentrate (“I’m in writing mode now”).

    Monospace font recommendations:

    Other proportional fonts:

    • Monotype Bembo (used by Edward Tufte, similar to Georgia or a Garamond to give it a journal-y feel)

    Transparency You can add a little extra flair by adding transparency to the background. Eval the following elisp expression using M-:, (set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha 80).

    See also: