• Working Copy

    An iOS app that provides version control over folders using the Files API.

  • Useful Friction

    Slowing down a process can be valuable when applied thoughtfully. For example, confirmation when deleting a file or charging a nominal fee.

  • Rule of 72

    Estimate how many weeks it will take for a value to double if it continues to grows at a certain rate e.

  • Gödel Incompleteness for Startups

    An essay that relates Gödel’s incompleteness theorem (along with the Halting Problem) to startup disruption—arguing that all successful startups discover one or more G-statements and extract value by building a formal system around it.

  • G-Statement

    An unprovable, but true statement as described in Gödel’s incompleteness theorem.

  • Formal System

    A formal system consists of axioms (statements that are true) and rules (how axioms can be manipulated).

  • Org-Mode

    A package built into Emacs which combines outlining, task management, scheduling, code execution, spreadsheet, and much more.

  • EBNF

    A context-free grammar can be described using Extended Backus–Naur form (EBNF) notation.

  • Nomenklatura

    The Soviet Ruling class, members of the communist party that control everything.

  • Modelica

    A modeling programming language and environment that provides a way to express, simulate, and optimize systems (usually physical).

  • Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

    A formal system (one that is consistent never yields a false statement) can not also be a complete system (containing all true statements)–there will always be statements that are unprovable yet true (i.

  • Graphviz

    A declarative language for describing diagrams and an environment that renders .

  • Consignment

    Giving a thing to someone else, while still retaining ownership, for the purposes of selling the thing.

  • Zoonotic Virus

    A virus that passes from animals to humans. Examples include: SARS, Swine Flu, and COVID-19.

  • Visitor Pattern

    A pattern for traversing a tree of heterogeneous objects. Decoupling the algorithm for traversing the tree and the code operating on the objects leads to a much cleaner (and easily extensible) code.

  • Homeostasis

    A state of equilibrium for an organism that is the optimal condition.

  • COVID-19

    A corona virus that became a global pandemic. The number of cases has surpassed 2MM and over 500 thousand people have died (at time of writing).

  • Literate Programming

    Intertwines documentation and source code which emphasizes the need for code to not only be understood by the compiler, but also by future engineers trying to reason about your code.