Contemporary philosopher and leftist.
See also:
Contemporary philosopher and leftist. See also:
A non-orientable surface, a theoretical shape that doesn’t actually exist in 3D space. Slavoj Ε½iΕΎek used this shape as a way to conceptualize ideology. As you move away from the center, you invariably end up inside of it. As an example, this can be used to explain how a group of outsiders form their own group and eventually become the insiders keeping people out. See also:
A German mathematician David Hilbert published 23 unsolved problems in the field of mathematics. It went on to be one of the most influential works that spawned a multitude of new thinking and applications to solve the problems presented. See also:
A data structure and search algorithm for efficiently finding the shortest plan of actions between an initial state and goal state. GraphPlan is a STRIPS style planner that uses a graph of actions (planning graph) that have pre-conditions and effects which alter state. The search algorithm trims the search space by pre-calculating mutually exclusive actions which makes finding a solution much faster. See also:
Macro level processes altering micro level processes by changing constraints. For example, thoughts and memories alter the strength of connections in the brain via gene regulation which alters the physical constraints of ions/electrons (synapses). In this way there is a ‘downward causal effect’ where thoughts alters the constraints of the physics that govern the flow of electrons. See also:
Webmention is a W3C web standard for decentralized comments, reposts, and other interactions across websites. It’s basically like a ‘pingback’ with some other building blocks for things like federating identity. Setting it up is a little clunky to do by hand, but it looks like most people use plugins for their hosted blogging CMS (e.g. WordPress). There are other centralized aggregators that manage webmentions going out and in, but that seems antithetical to decentralization. One challenge is setting it up for static websites–webmentions result in a See also:POST
request that need to be handled and persisted by your server if you want to do anything with it e.g. display them as comments on your blog post. One approach is to use some other service to handle the request and store them in static files (like text files in a git repo), but this also means additional complexity and exactly once processing is difficult to get right (I imagine webmentions have a ton of duplicates that need to be handled somewhere).
In a blog post from Dave Cheney, open source contributor to golang, he writes that it’s always better to talk about a bug/feature/change then writing code. This avoids hurt feelings (when a change isn’t accepted) and ensures the change lands the first time. Generally, pull requests are the wrong place to have a lengthy discussion. Dave recommends starting with a GitHub issue or design doc if it’s more complicated. Communication early prevents misunderstandings and leads to a smoother process for everyone.
A talk given by Brian Moriarty, a renowned game designer/developer, that encourages listeners to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of making something awe-inspiring. His examples range from Bach to Shakespeare and the meta game that transcends their original works of art. In Bach’s compositions, numerology intertwined in the music that adds a hidden layer of meaning that requires multi-layer recursion to fully comprehend. In the case of Shakespeare, countless people that dedicate untold hours to studying his works and unraveling the mystery of whether he was a group of people or just Sir Francis Bacon. After all, how could one man create all that? It’s a reminder to recognize the pure and deserving admiration that comes from creating something that sparks genuine awe. See also:
The game about the game. In game development, it’s often cited that it’s all about the meta game. It often has it’s own rules, is player organized, and is an emergent behavior (not intentionally designed). Examples:
An essay from Niklas Luhmann about learning to read and how there are different kinds of books that require different approaches. Novels require a temporal dimension for the reader. They are continually reminded what they don’t know (e.g. the ending/resolution of the book). We can define novels to be in two states with regards to the reader–already read and not yet read. Poems are different. They do not have a temporal dimension, but instead have many aspects that alter the meaning to the reader. Style, tone, word choice, metaphor, rhythm, and more. This requires ‘multi-layer recursion’, to think on each word, sentence, section repeatedly to unlock it’s implied meaning. It’s like the meta game, but in writing. Theoretical texts (e.g. text books, non fiction) have different demands. The reader is looking to learn and must uncover what is important and what must be learned. This needs short term memory as well as long term memory. Short term to interpret and long term to recall connections with other references/memories. Connecting information often looks like attaching the information and grouping it as is the case with attributing key ideas to the author. Notes are similar in trying to capture information to better retain it, but often fails (covered more exhaustively in his essay about Zettelkasten: ‘Communicating with Slip Boxes’).
An Emacs library that recreates Roam (software that implements a Zettelkasten-like system) using org-mode. All notes are stored as individual files addressed by See also: NOTE: Many things have changed about org-roam in v2. Code snippets and issues are likely out of date. V2 is less portable than v1 now that links use `org-id`. Add a keymap entry for it when in org-roam Make org-mode always use wrapped lines{timestamp}-{underscore_separated_title}
and can be backlinked to create a graph of notes which can be generated using graphviz
Problems with
’s template just has a #+TITLE
with a config header in each note which is ugly)org-roam v2
The downside of using ID links in org-roam
DONE Integrating org-roam [8/8]
for fuzzy full text searching notesDONE Use
to find notes to make connections to using full text search
to add the action. See github.(use-package helm-rg
:ensure t
;; Add actions for inserting org file link from selected match
(defun insert-org-mode-link-from-helm-result (candidate)
(insert (format "[[file:%s][%s]]"
(plist-get candidate :file)
;; Extract the title from the file name
?_ ?\s
(split-string (plist-get candidate :file) "\\-")))
(helm-add-action-to-source "Insert org-mode link"
DONE Toggle truncate lines in
buffers(setq org-startup-truncated nil)
DONE Set up exporting to html
to export to md and generate html using hugo
Add #+HUGO_BASE_DIR: ~/Projects/zettel
and #+HUGO_SECTION: ./
to the front matter of each note
capture template docsorg-roam-capture-templates
DONE Cloud backup
DONE Ignore any notes from hugo export that are tagged as private
DONE Ignore any backlinks that are tagged as private
DONE Update org-roam journal template to include private
(setq org-roam-dailies-capture-templates
(quote (("d" "Default" plain (function org-roam--capture-get-point)
:file-name "%(format-time-string \"%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%SZ--journal\" (current-time) t)"
:head "#+HUGO_BASE_DIR: ~/Projects/zettel\n#+HUGO_SECTION: ./\n#+TITLE: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+ROAM_ALIAS:\n#+ROAM_TAGS: private\n"
:unnarrowed t))))
A talk given by Richard Hamming about the art of doing science and engineering.
A lecture from Richard Hamming about creativity and how to cultivate it. See also:
A way of predicting what a system is going to do next when you don’t have exact information (like most real-world things). Examples: smoothing GPS location data, altitude estimation See also:
Welcome to my notes! I regularly publish notes to better understand what I’ve learned and to explore new ideas. I would love to hear from youβleave a comment or reach out on Bluesky or find me on LinkedIn.
Something that would be valuable even in the absence of outward effects e.g. knowledge is not inherently valuableβif a fact existed, but no one could ever access it, there is no value.
Similar to Neil Gaiman’s remarks about a fountain pen and writing there are ways that enhance the feeling of a craft. Examples: The sum of the tools (hardware and software) used while writing code is the hand feel. We don’t spend enough time thinking about the hand feel and often view it through the utilitarian lens. What’s the fountain pen for enterprise software? Green field projects? See also:
So much of technology is solving the problem of inter-operating between disparate systems e.g. cpu architectures, operating systems, language runtimes. Humans provide the greatest interop layer unknowingly. We seamlessly work between different technologies without missing a beat. We interoperate between our desktops and mobile devices, weaving together broken legacy systems at work to operationalize a task, and speak different languages (and computer languages). We manage an enormous amount of complexity without thinking about it.
The process of generating a range input values based on some constraints to fully explore a programs handling. For example, fuzzing a function that takes a numerical value might reveal it does not properly handle negative numbers even though it’s an allowed value. Usage examples:
Disorder in a system that tends to increase over time until reaching an equilibrium. Factors of entropy include heat, time, and the number of things in the system. Entropy is measured by the number of macro states (e.g. arrangement of molecules) the system can be in where a value of 1 would be a single state (i.e. crystal structure).
The reason discussions of social problems and correctness are difficult is because there is no safe way to fail and learn from feedback about a point of view. When someone is called out, they tend to not engage in social issues for fear of backlash or become defensive and angry, strengthening their belief.
By analyzing frontend analytics events we can derive the ‘hot paths’–sequences of actions users often take. If we also know the user’s goals we can then calculate the state space and optimal path (e.g. A* pathfinding). With that we can calculate the frequency in which users choose an optimal path. What might the results of this kind of analysis mean for the user experience? See also:
Researcher who focuses on how to improve the productivity of knowledge workers. Works: See also:
Transforms a language into data by lexing (separating the words into a sequence of tokens) and parsing (applying syntactical rules to the tokens). Once in a data structure, you can programatically analyze or even modify the language by iterating over the tokens. Examples: