A data structure and search algorithm for efficiently finding the shortest plan of actions between an initial state and goal state.
Webmention is a W3C web standard for decentralized comments, reposts, and other interactions across websites.
Talk Then Code
In a blog post from Dave Cheney, open source contributor to golang, he writes that it’s always better to talk about a bug/feature/change then writing code.
Talk - The Secret of Psalm 46
A talk given by Brian Moriarty, a renowned game designer/developer, that encourages listeners to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of making something awe-inspiring.
Meta Game
The game about the game. In game development, it’s often cited that it’s all about the meta game.
Learning How to Read (Literature Notes)
An essay from Niklas Luhmann about learning to read and how there are different kinds of books that require different approaches.
An Emacs library that recreates Roam (software that implements a Zettelkasten-like system) using org-mode.
Neil Gaiman
Acclaimed author that looks at the world in a unique way that’s very entertaining.
My Morning Practice
These days I wake up very early for the puppy ~5:45 AM so between getting the dogs ready and starting work I have about three hours.
Measuring UX
User experience is subjective which makes improvements in UX difficult to calibrate since we need to rely more our collective taste and/or talking to users.
Lecture - You and Your Research
Talk given by Richard Hamming as part of the art of doing science and engineering course.
Lecture - Learning to Learn
A talk given by Richard Hamming about the art of doing science and engineering.
Lecture - Creativity
A lecture from Richard Hamming about creativity and how to cultivate it.
Kalman Filter
A way of predicting what a system is going to do next when you don’t have exact information (like most real-world things).
Welcome to my notes! I regularly publish notes to better understand what I’ve learned and to explore new ideas.
Inherent Value
Something that would be valuable even in the absence of outward effects e.
Improving the 'Hand Feel' of Software Engineering
Similar to Neil Gaiman’s remarks about a fountain pen and writing there are ways that enhance the feeling of a craft.
Humans Are the Great Interop Layer
So much of technology is solving the problem of inter-operating between disparate systems e.
The process of generating a range input values based on some constraints to fully explore a programs handling.
Disorder in a system that tends to increase over time until reaching an equilibrium.
Difficulty Discussing Social Issues
The reason discussions of social problems and correctness are difficult is because there is no safe way to fail and learn from feedback about a point of view.
Deriving User Flows and Optimal Path to Goals From Events
By analyzing frontend analytics events we can derive the ‘hot paths’–sequences of actions users often take.
Andy Matuschak
Researcher who focuses on how to improve the productivity of knowledge workers.
Abstract Syntax Tree
Transforms a language into data by lexing (separating the words into a sequence of tokens) and parsing (applying syntactical rules to the tokens).