Get Started With Growth Marketing
Growth marketing is simple to get started. Sell the product directly to 10 paying customers.
An Anti-Universe Could Explain Dark Matter
One of the issues with the big bang theory and observations of the cosmos is that there ought to be more stuff.
Escher Sentences
A sentence that, upon closer inspection, has no real meaning.
Absolute Time Does Not Exist
The theory of relativity shows that time is not a constant, but a relative measurement to the observer.
25% of All Job Postings Are Premanently Remote
According to the Q1 2022 survey by Ladders, 24% of all job posting in the US and Canada are now for permanent remote positions—an increase from 18% in Q4 2021 or roughly 3MM jobs.
Find All Open Source Licenses Used by Your Codebase
Using license-finder by GitLab makes it easy to list all open source licenses from dependencies of your codebase.
Compliance Is Dynamic
Employment and tax compliance is not static. Requirements change because of new laws, hiring in a new state, employees relocating, or when government agencies tell you they’ve changed—UI rate changes, notifications and enforcements.
The Sinn U50 Is a Time Fortress
I bought the Sinn u50 automatic watch in February 2022 and have worn it every day since.
Dynamically Set the Height of an Element Based on It's Parent
There is not a great way to dynamically fill the vertical space in a parent element in CSS without setting a fixed height.
54% Percent of Unemployed Job Hunters Are Looking to Work From Home
The March WFH Research survey results show that 54% of unemployed respondents are either exclusively looking for jobs that allow them to work from home or prefer jobs that allow them to work from home.
How to Write More
The way I write more is by doing it every day.
Fundraising as a Solo Founder
When it comes to raising money, being a solo founder goes against the grain.
Predictions About the Future Don't Account for New Knowledge
One of the reasons making broad, sweeping predictions about the future tend to be wrong is that it does not account for the creation of new knowledge.
Any Headline Which Ends in a Questionmark Can Be Answered by the Word No
According to Betteridge’s Law pretty much any headline that is posed as a question is usually going to be answered with a ‘no’ in the body.
Websites as a Family Heirloom
Three things lead me to believe that websites will soon become an heirloom passed down generation to generation: 1) the ubiquity of the web generally (which is still only 59% of the world’s population) 2) the scarcity of web domains 3) the value of search engine ranking.
An Object Can Not Go the Speed of Light Because It Would Have Infinite Mass
The equivalence of mass and energy means that an object (having mass) can not reach the speed of light.
A Brief History of Time
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Absolute Time Does Not Exist
The Quantum Suicide Argument and Subjective Certainty
In an infinite multiverse, where every possibility allowed by physics is certain, the argument goes that one could be absolutely sure of winning the lottery using the following hack.
Stripe Atlas Is Used for One in Ten New C Corporations in Delaware
From the 2021 business update letter from Stripe, Atlas is now used by 1 in 10 new incorporations in Delaware.
Omega Point Universes
A universe that collapses to a single point due to baryon annihilation required to produce energy needed for colonization.
Non-Industrial Societies Spend Most of Their Time Doing Nothing
Anthropologist studying non-industrial societies found that the most common activity was idling—not doing anything.
Swiss Travel Pass
The Swiss Travel Pass is an all-in-one ticket offered by the SFF for most forms of transportation in Switzerland.
Human Knowledge Is Meme Replication
Despite common ancestry between humans and apes, humans have the ability to grow collective knowledge through the replication of memes.
Elegance Is a Heuristic Guide to Truth
It seems that the best explanations are often the most elegant.