A way of expressing similar, but different objects. For example in object oriented programming you might have a Vehicle
class that specifies a method to move
and any method that operates on a Vehicle
can call the move
method. However, move
might be implemented differently for classes that inherit Vehicle
e.g. an Airplane
or a Submarine
An interstellar object that passed through our solar system in 2018. Researchers believe it to be solid chunk of hydrogen that was formed in a gas cloud 40MM years ago. However, if does not have the usual features of a comet (e.g. a coma) and it’s accelerating. An alternative explanation is that it’s extraterrestrial in origin.
Read Mystery of Interstellar Visitor โOumuamua Gets Trickier in Scientific American that discusses reasons why the hydrogen comet theory is in question.
See also:
Uber drivers in Kenya call it ‘riding Karura’ when you use the app to match with a driver, cancel the ride, then paying the driver a pre-negotiated amount in cash.
The term comes from the nearby Karura forest which is a popular taxi pickup point. It also loosely means ‘law of the jungle’ where you do what you need to do to provide for yourself and family.
This is a form of disintermediation that cuts Uber out of the value chain so the driver can earn more take home pay per ride.
See also:
- This American Life 713: Made to Be Broken where they talk about rules that are broken for good and bad reasons.
This note does not have a description yet.
Trust Models
Describes different systems that require reliance on others by plotting across two axesโhow many people need to behave correctly out of how many for the system to work.
- 1 of 1 is the traditional centralized modelโyou rely on a single entity to behave well e.g. Google
- N of N every actor needs to act as expected for things to work
- N/2 of N is blockchain where the majority of miners are honest
- 1 of N is a load balancer with liveness checkingโonly 1 of many need to be operating as expected to work
- Few of N there are many actors and as a small fixed number act as expected
- 0 of N there is no reliance like checking hashes yourself for validity
See also:
- This article about trust models that explains the differences in a single chart
How we think about thoughts is composed of metacognitive knowledge - our understanding of our thinking and learning, metacognitive regulation - strategies and practices that control our learning, and metacognitive experiences - thoughts and feelings while learning something.
See also:
- Tools for networked thought as an example of metacognitive regulation
- Journaling and note taking with org-roam as a tool for metacognition
- Research paper on metacognition
Spiritual Materialism
New-practitioners adopting the practice of meditation and mindfulness has a tendency to coincide with a change of identity. Outward signs like wearing buddhist bracelets or behaving differently or even discussing the positive experiences they have had with others is an attempt to raise one’s status (i.e. I’m superior to you because I’ve found spirituality). It’s counter to the practice because it contributes to reinforcing the self and can be harmful to making progress. This was the impetus from removing ‘streaks’ from the Waking Up app (see signaling as a service).
Principal-Agent Problem
When a person acts on behalf of others they may act in their self-interest. This may be counter to the best interest of those they act on behalf of (principals) because of diverging interests and asymmetric information (agent knows something the principals don’t). Examples include politicians, CEO’s, brokers, even doctors, etc.
Love and kindness meditation where you concentrate on visualizing someone you know being purely happy and reciting phrases to with them well. This practice uses the concentration on others to practice mindfulness (similar to focusing on the breath).
Uncanny Valley
An object’s likeness that is very similar to another, but slightly off which evokes an eerie negative reaction. This happens with robots/dolls or video game characters that are meant to be hyper realistic, but fall short in capturing the richness of a face. Humans are so good at noticing and detecting the slightest differences that the replica needs to be near perfect.
See also:
- It’s hard to imagine a metaverse that aims for 100% realism.
COVID-19 Is a Vehicle of Fantasmic Projection
The virus and pandemic of COVID-19 serves as a container for people to project their own fears, beliefs, and ascribed meaning. For example, some take COVID-19 as a sign from Mother Nature that we are overstepping and it is some sort of balancing. These are highly irrational interpretationsโviruses are by definition not a living thingโand so it is more of a vehicle for one’s ideology.
See also:
- Slavoj ลฝiลพek who discusses the philosophy of ideology and made this point during a podcast.
- Apophenia, the general concept of seeing patterns that are not really there.
Seeing patterns or interpreting meaning in randomness that is not truly there. For example, seeing faces in rock formations on the moon or imagining a pattern in static noise.
Low-Bandwidth Collaboration
Collaboration is low-bandwidth if the mediums in which groups of people coordinate require little resources.
For example, face-to-face collaboration is high-bandwidth in that it requires parties to be in the same place at the same time with no latency between them and transmits information instantaneously using verbal and non-verbal (e.g. body language, whiteboards, etc) communication. Where as sharing memos asynchronously is low-bandwidth collaboration in that it is not tightly coupled with time (read it when you have time) and relies exclusively on a single medium (written communication) to transmit information.
Both forms can be effective, but in different situations. Working on a distributed team necessitates low-bandwidth collaboration for processes to work smoothly, but things like design work is more efficient with high-bandwidth collaboration to get feedback quickly and be creative.
Learning Fringe Programming Languages Makes You Faster
Learning a programming language that is immature and substantially different from what’s commonly used in the industry makes you faster at programming, specifically debugging and unblocking. These skills generalize to any programming and make you faster at ‘figuring things out’ next time something unexpected happens.
For example, rust or clojure are significantly different from common languages like Java or Ruby that you can’t rely on previous experience to fumble your way through writing it (like JavaScript). Errors and tooling tend to be worse and often obscure (e.g. clojure’s error messages). This forces you to learn the language deeper to understand what’s going on and read much more code (e.g. reading source code of the language itself or a particular library).
Immediacy in Creative Tools More Important for Remote Teams
When working remotely, teams rely on low-bandwidth collaboration (e.g. video conferencing). It’s difficult to do certain kinds of creative work that involves fiddling and rapid iteration like product design. To make up for it, tools used need to be exceptionally fast at producing a change (e.g. pixels on a screen, reloading code) that a group can react to otherwise it amplifies the friction of low-bandwidth collaboration.
See also:
Creators Need an Immediate Connection to What They Are Creating
From a talk by Bret Victor where he talks about the principle of getting immediate feedback in a tight loop with whatever you are building. A good analogy is analog instrumentsโyou strum a guitar and immediately get the result and the vibrations. He also talks about the need for better creative tools that support this principle. Programming in particular suffers from a disjointed creative experience that makes it hard to fiddle around and see what you are doing.
See also:
- Inventing on Principle (transcript)
Ego Depletion
Baumeister and Tice introduced the concept that willpower is a finite resource that can be exhausted when used because it requires mental energy. The original experiments involved a willpower depleting task that requires self-control (e.g. don’t eat that cookie) followed by a task that requires a lot of mental effort (e.g. a quiz). They found that participants performed better when they were not first given the willpower depleting task.
See also:
- Ego depletion theory has been debunkedโfailed to reproduce in large scale experiments and meta analysis found flaws in the interpretation of findings.
- Operant conditioning as a possible alternative explanation where the priority of a reward changes based on other motivations
A command line interface for a web application that seamlessly blends text based user input and graphical UI elements for output. This affords a highly productive keyboard-based interface (rather than point and click) which is familiar to developers.
Speed Is Undervalued
Doing things fast has more primary and second-order benefits than we realize which makes it hard to conceptualize its full value. As a simple example, consider how we evaluate products by how completely they solve the problem. If you remove the temporal component, the value of the solution drops to zeroโa solution is useless if it’s not available in a sensible amount of time.
Now factor in the value of exceeding your expectation for a sensible amount of time. Then factor in the likelihood of doing it again because it’s fast. Then repurpose the time saved towards working on something else that is valuable.
Why There Aren't More Engineering Management Blogs
The reason there are far fewer engineering management blogs compared to software development blogs not because there is a small supply of managers who can write blogs, but because managers are secretly worried they are doing it completely wrong (imposter syndrome).
Unlike engineering blogs, managers don’t tend to write up how something went totally wrong with managing people lest they reveal too much or make themselves look bad.
There’s also not a strong impetus to experiment. Experimental management sounds about as bad as experimental accounting.
See also:
- Management is kind of like bond management as in it’s a negative art
- Engineering management
Hot Iron and Cold Iron
Hot iron is rage and emotion. Cold iron is calculating and unwavering. When they face off together, cold iron tends to prevail.
See also:
- Malazan book of the fallen where thos expression comes from in discussing the difference between military leaders e.g. Coltaine and Dujek are cold iron where Korbolo Dom is hot iron.
Emotion Is No More a Sensation Than an Ache in Your Knee
Emotion feels like it has extra meaning to us and demands our attention. However, everything arises in consciousness so we can define emotion as an energy. Because we find evidence for whichever mindset we have, doing so strips the extra meaning we assign to emotion. In that way, it’s no more a sensation than an ache in your knee.
Ellsberg Paradox
People prefer situations where they know the risk. In experiments ran by Daniel Ellsberg, participants were asked to bet on a known 10% chance to win and an unknown chance to win (which was actually 90%). People tend to choose to bet on the 10% option.
This is not considered risk aversion, but ambiguity aversion. People did not bet on the unknown option because it could be less than 10%.
See also:
- Bayes' Theorem might have helped people reason about the likelihood of the unknown odds
- Game theory
Awareness Is Key to Being Present
In mindfulness, calling attention to anything that enters consciousness has the effect of bringing you back to the present moment rather than lost in thought or dwelling on something. Since everything arises in consciousness, this can be practiced any time, not just during focused meditation sessions.