• Slowness Begets More Slowness

    A product team or organization that moves slowly (e.g. reviews, gatekeepers, heavy process) in introducing changes moves slower over time.

  • Malthusian Catastrophe

    Thomas Malthus was an 18th-century economist who stated in ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ that population growth is exponential, but the production of food is linear.

  • Lollapalooza Effect

    Charlie Munger calls the lollapalooza effect a combination of several elements all acting in concert to create an even greater outcome.

  • Interior Mutability

    In rust, a variable is declared as mutable or immutable and allof it’s fields (in the case of a struct) are declared the same–you can’t mutate a field while also making a borrow of another field.

  • Common Stock Ownership Theory

    The stock price of a corporation being added to an index fund increases along with it’s competitors that are also included in the index fund.

  • Charlie Munger

    Prominent investor and founder of Berkshire Hathaway, known for thoughts about good decision making and applying a ‘latticework of mental models’ from a wide range of academic fields.

  • VO2 Max

    A measurement of cardiovascular fitness and endurance by measuring the max oxygen the body can consume during exercise.

  • Rich Hickey

    Computer scientist and musician that designed the Clojure programming language. Has given many influential talks about functional programming.

  • Resting Heart Rate

    Beats per minute when not doing any activity. A normal resting heart rate for an adult is ~60 bpm, high resting heart rate (tachycardia) >100 bpm, and low resting heart rate (bradycardia) <60 bpm.

  • Clojure

    A lisp functional programming language designed by Rich Hickey. The core philosophy is to organize programs around the transformation of values using pure functions and isolated side-effects.

  • Themes Conceptualize a Roadmap

    A long list of ships is neither useful nor effective without a way for the team to conceptualize the main ideas and how it adds up to achieving a set of goals.

  • Spell Check Test

    When designing a review processes within an organization, tease apart the different functions of how the process works then ask which parts are more like ‘spell check’.