• Straussian Reading

    Refers to the Leo Strauss notion that serious writers communicate ideas through many layers of meaning and abstraction which simultaneously protects the author from the ruling regime and attracts the right readers.

  • Type I, Type II Fun

    There are two different kinds of fun. Type I fun is when you are having fun and know you are having fun while doing it.

  • Universal Income Is Capitalism 2.0

    Capitalism has gone through several phases 1) local markets bounded by limited mobility 2) globalization where markets expanded beyond borders now 3) markets saturated bounded by consumption.

  • Universal Basic Income

    A policy of providing regular income to people who are not working or are unable to work to meet basic needs.

  • The Action Is on the Edge

    In plate tectonics, all of the interesting effects like mountain formation, earthquakes, happen on the edge of the plates.

  • Deep Time

    The conceptualization of long periods and how they fit into our lives which was originated from studying geological strata.

  • Slowness Begets More Slowness

    A product team or organization that moves slowly (e.g. reviews, gatekeepers, heavy process) in introducing changes moves slower over time.

  • No Zero Days

    Make a little progress on your most important goals every day, even if it’s something small.

  • Malthusian Catastrophe

    Thomas Malthus was an 18th-century economist who stated in ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ that population growth is exponential, but the production of food is linear.

  • Common Stock Ownership Theory

    The stock price of a corporation being added to an index fund increases along with it’s competitors that are also included in the index fund.

  • Charlie Munger

    Prominent investor and founder of Berkshire Hathaway, known for thoughts about good decision making and applying a ‘latticework of mental models’ from a wide range of academic fields.