Zoom Fatigue


Being on video conference calls repeatedly is exhausting. This phenomena is believed to be caused by the brain working overtime because we can tell the other person is an imperfect projection and reading body language is difficult.

This became into the national consciousness during COVID-19, where much of the workforce was forced to work from home and use video conference tools to communicate.

  • Organizational Support of Remote Work Correlates With Reported Productivity

    In a recent study looking at the impact of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic found that perception of organizational support for remote work correlates with higher reported productivity and gains in productive working time. This is in contrast to those that perceive low support for remote work as having a negative impact on productive working time and indicating greater depression symptoms.

  • In-Person Selling Fell from 61 Percent to 29 Percent

    Before COVID-19, the majority of B2B selling happened in-person and over email and phone calls (61%). After, only 29% of selling is being done that way and sales over video calls increased from 38% to 53%. Also, 70% of B2B buyers say they are willing to make purchases above $50,000 entirely remotely (27% would be willing to make purchases above $500k).

  • Zoom Note Taker Bots Are Disruptive

    Several products these days have an AI bot that will join your Zoom call and take notes. That’s bad.

  • Self-Presentation Causes Zoom Fatigue

    In an experiment testing the causes of zoom fatigue, researchers found that having the camera on during virtual meetings resulted in fatigue (likely due to self-presentation), not time spent or frequency of meetings.

  • § What I Learned 2020
