• Melanzana Micro Grid Fleece Review

    The Melanzana Micro Grid fleece is a casual and warm midlayer. As someone not wearing it for any serious hiking or physical activity, it’s appeal is being a cozy fleece for chilly SF mornings.

    The sweet spot for the Melanzana as an outer layer is very narrowβ€”temperatures in the low to mid-60’s when walking around the city. Anything colder and the lack of wind resistance makes it too chilly. Anything warmer and it’s easy to overheat after 10 minutes of walking uphill.

    Unless I’m wearing it around the house, I much prefer using it as a mid-layer underneath an unzipped jacket in cooler temperatures (50’s). That way it’s comfortable, doesn’t overheat, and looks nice.

    At 10-12oz it’s easy to throw it in a bag or pack it when traveling. It would also make a decent airplane hoodie.

  • The National Nexus Program Standardizes Voluntary Disclosure Agreements to Pay Back Taxes

    Each State has a process administrating a Voluntary Disclosure Agreement to pay back taxes. The Multistate Tax Commission runs a program to standardize the VDAs and make it easier for companies to meet their tax obligations and pay back taxes.

    Member States:

    State NNP Member
    Alabama Yes
    Alaska No
    Arizona Yes
    Arkansas Yes
    California (FTB) No
    California (BOE) No
    Colorado Yes
    Connecticut Yes
    Delaware Yes
    District of Columbia Yes
    Florida Yes
    Georgia Yes
    Hawaii Yes
    Idaho Yes
    Illinois No
    Indiana No
    Iowa Yes
    Kansas Yes
    Kentucky Yes
    Louisiana Yes
    Maine No
    Maryland Yes
    Massachusetts Yes
    Michigan Yes
    Minnesota Yes
    Mississippi No
    Missouri Yes
    Montana Yes
    Nebraska Yes
    Nevada No
    New Hampshire Yes
    New Jersey Yes
    * New Mexico Yes
    New York No
    North Carolina Yes
    North Dakota Yes
    Ohio No
    Oklahoma Yes
    Oregon Yes
    Pennsylvania No
    Rhode Island Yes
    South Carolina Yes
    South Dakota Yes
    Tennessee Yes
    Texas Yes
    Utah Yes
    Vermont Yes
    Virginia No
    Washington Yes
    West Virginia Yes
    Wisconsin Yes
    Wyoming No

    See also:

  • Mark Zuckerberg as Anti-Hero

    Current consensus is that Mark Zuckerberg is an evil billionaire. A contrarian view would be this: Zuckerberg is an anti-hero who, in an unprecedented position of power, advances technological progress and well-being.

    Take the metaverseβ€”a bundle of interesting ideas that are, more or less, already happening (VR, AR, crypto, NFTs, and so on). It’s easy to mock, but what if we’re wrong that it’s a dumb idea? What if it’s a useful abstraction that fosters a new kind of digital economy that creates opportunity for more people?

  • What Is a Tech Company

    In What Is a Tech Company on Stratechery, a tech company is defined by the following characteristics.

    Software has zero marginal costs Providing the product to subsequent customers costs nothing (or near nothing) once it’s created.

    Software improves over time Updates to the product happen continuously which increases the value to the user after they buy it.

    Software offers infinite leverage Software creates efficiency that opens up new levels of scale and markets (e.g. the whole world can be your customers).

    Software creates ecosystems The software creates and ecosystem that wasn’t available before like connecting buyers and sellers or third-party software vendors on a platform.

    Software enables zero transaction costs Self-serve software reduces or eliminates the need to be hands-on with customers making each additional transaction cost nothing.

    Not every technology business will meet all of them, but it is highly skeptical if a company purports to be a tech company and doesn’t exhibit most of these characteristics (like WeWork).

  • Banned Engineering Words

    • Depreciate: unless you are building accounting software, you probably mean deprecate.
    • Receive: it’s inevitable you will track down bugs due to a misspelled variable name recieve.
    • Referrer: if the inventors of the HTTP_REFERER header can’t spell it correctly, neither will you.

  • Conservatives Justify Morality With Law and Liberals Justify Law With Morality

    A confounding aspect of conservative politics is how they view the rule of law. Conservatives tend to see laws as being designed for certain kinds of people. In their mind, a terrorist is already a terrorist and if the same law is used to define one of their tribe as a terrorist it’s the left being fascist.

    Liberals tend to see the rule of law justified with moralityβ€”the law defines people and is justified through morality. Acts of terrorism are defined by the law. An American can be held to the same standard (domestic terrorism) because terrorism is morally wrong.

    Read the Reddit thread

    See also:

    • This is also in-group favoritism, a conservative doing bad things is still part of the tribe because of morality (not legality)

  • Exporting Org-Mode Documents With Many Org-Id Links Is Slow

    Exporting org-mode documents using ox is very slow when there are many org-id links in the contents.

    After some profiling I found the following code is called during export in a loop over each org-id link which returns the link’s file location.

    (car (org-id-find id))

    Unfortunately, org-id-find will load the file and all of it’s associated modes. This is very slow when all it needs is the file location.

    Replacing it with the following makes the code roughly 10x faster.

    (org-id-find-id-file id)

    As a temporary workaround, you can overwrite org-export--collect-tree-properties:

    (eval-after-load "ox"
      ;; Org export is very slow when processing org-id links. Override it
      ;; to skip opening the file and loading all modes.
      (defun org-export--collect-tree-properties (data info)
        "Extract tree properties from parse tree.
        DATA is the parse tree from which information is retrieved.  INFO
        is a list holding export options.
        Following tree properties are set or updated:
        `:headline-offset' Offset between true level of headlines and
                           local level.  An offset of -1 means a headline
                           of level 2 should be considered as a level
                           1 headline in the context.
        `:headline-numbering' Alist of all headlines as key and the
                              associated numbering as value.
        `:id-alist' Alist of all ID references as key and associated file
                    as value.
        Return updated plist."
        ;; Install the parse tree in the communication channel.
        (setq info (plist-put info :parse-tree data))
        ;; Compute `:headline-offset' in order to be able to use
        ;; `org-export-get-relative-level'.
        (setq info
              (plist-put info
                         (- 1 (org-export--get-min-level data info))))
        ;; From now on, properties order doesn't matter: get the rest of the
        ;; tree properties.
         (list :headline-numbering (org-export--collect-headline-numbering data info)
               (org-element-map data 'link
                 (lambda (l)
                   (and (string= (org-element-property :type l) "id")
                        (let* ((id (org-element-property :path l))
                               (file (org-id-find-id-file id)))
                          (and file (cons id (file-relative-name file))))))))))

    See also:

  • Illusory Truth Effect

    Repeated information is perceived to be more truthful than new information. Prior knowledge does not reduce the significance of the effect. Basically the more someone repeats something the more it will be believed.

    See also:

    • Trump paradox is even more interesting because he tells the truth about things he shouldn’t and lies awfully about things he should.

  • Org-Roam-Ui Helps You Peer Into Your Brain

    The org-roam-ui is a visualization and exploration companion to org-roam. The force-directed graph of notes (nodes) and links (edges) shows how concepts fit together and relate. I thought it was primarily eye candy, it’s useful for 1) spotting connections you haven’t already made and 2) identifying orphaned notes that could be linked to other notes.

    By looking at a subgraph and increasing the number of neighbor nodes rendered you can see Nth degree connections to a note. This is handy for linking related notes together or simply to think about the through-line that brings seemingly disparate ideas together.

    By looking at the edges of the overall graph, it’s easy to spot orphaned notes that don’t connect to anything. These are worth revisiting and linking them or maybe deleting.

    See also: