What Is a Tech Company
In What Is a Tech Company on Stratechery, a tech company is defined by the following characteristics.
The Great Resignation
More people in the US have quit their job in 2021 then ever before (since it started being tracked).
Banned Engineering Words
Depreciate: unless you are building accounting software, you probably mean deprecate.
Conservatives Justify Morality With Law and Liberals Justify Law With Morality
A confounding aspect of conservative politics is how they view the rule of law.
Self-Presentation Causes Zoom Fatigue
In an experiment testing the causes of zoom fatigue, researchers found that having the camera on during virtual meetings resulted in fatigue (likely due to self-presentation), not time spent or frequency of meetings.
Exporting Org-Mode Documents With Many Org-Id Links Is Slow
Exporting org-mode documents using ox is very slow when there are many org-id links in the contents.
COVID-19 Can Cause Brain Damage and Cause Neurological Symptoms
A paper published in Nature looked at brain autopsies of people that died from COVID-19.
The Metaverse Is the Ultimate Company Town
The reason the metaverse concept is so appealing to corporations is that it’s a vision for the ultimate company town.
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Nfts Provide Digital Scarcity Among Digital Abundance
Use the Narcissist's Prayer to Spot a Narcissist
The Narcissist’s Prayer by an unknown author, perfectly describes their progression.
Illusory Truth Effect
Repeated information is perceived to be more truthful than new information.
Work Faster Not Smarter
Faster is more productive because it is a multiplier on tasks you spend a lot of time doing (thinking, writing, typing, debugging).
Don't Ask What the Problem Is, Ask What the Situation Is
It’s common in product and engineering circles to constantly ask people “what problem are you solving?
Org-Roam-Ui Helps You Peer Into Your Brain
The org-roam-ui is a visualization and exploration companion to org-roam. The force-directed graph of notes (nodes) and links (edges) shows how concepts fit together and relate.
Game Theory
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Kelly Criterion
Engineering Management
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Taste Is the Refined Sense of Judgment and Finding Balance That Produces a Pleasing and Integrated Whole
Wealth-Creation Mechanisms Are Simple
The list of ways wealth is created is remarkably short.
Remote Jobs Rose to Nearly 15 Percent of All High-Paying Job Listings
An analysis by Ladders found that the percentage of high-paying job listings ($80,000+) in the US and Canada that were remote increased from 3.
Product-Led Growth
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Get Started With Growth Marketing
Collaborate at the Contractual Boundaries
A team of engineers working together on the same project should divide up their work at the contractual boundaries.
4.3 Million People Quit Their Job in August 2021
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 4.3 MM Americans quit their jobs in August 2021, up from 4MM in July.
COVID-19 Infection Reduces Grey Matter Thickness in Parts of the Brain
A preliminary study of brain imaging taken of before COVID-19 infection and after showed a reduced amount of gray matter thickness in the frontal and temporal lobes.
Nazi Bar Theory
The way to prevent a bar from turning into a Nazi bar is by nipping it in the bud.
The Rate of Depressive Symptoms in US Adults Quadrupled During the Pandemic
A study found that US adults experienced significantly more depressive symptoms in 2021 (32.