• What Is a Tech Company

    In What Is a Tech Company on Stratechery, a tech company is defined by the following characteristics.

  • The Great Resignation

    More people in the US have quit their job in 2021 then ever before (since it started being tracked).

  • Self-Presentation Causes Zoom Fatigue

    In an experiment testing the causes of zoom fatigue, researchers found that having the camera on during virtual meetings resulted in fatigue (likely due to self-presentation), not time spent or frequency of meetings.

  • Metaverse

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Nfts Provide Digital Scarcity Among Digital Abundance

  • Work Faster Not Smarter

    Faster is more productive because it is a multiplier on tasks you spend a lot of time doing (thinking, writing, typing, debugging).

  • Org-Roam-Ui Helps You Peer Into Your Brain

    The org-roam-ui is a visualization and exploration companion to org-roam. The force-directed graph of notes (nodes) and links (edges) shows how concepts fit together and relate.

  • Game Theory

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Kelly Criterion

  • Engineering Management

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Taste Is the Refined Sense of Judgment and Finding Balance That Produces a Pleasing and Integrated Whole

  • Product-Led Growth

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Get Started With Growth Marketing

  • Nazi Bar Theory

    The way to prevent a bar from turning into a Nazi bar is by nipping it in the bud.