Base Rate Fallacy Shows How Headlines About COVID-19 Infections of Vaccinated People Is Overblown
We’re starting to see news outlets say there is an alarming trend where vaccinated people are getting COVID-19 (such as this one from the WSJ).
Nobody Grades an Economist
The reason you shouldn’t rely on what economists say to make decisions (for example in financial decisions) is because nobody grades an economist.
Howard Marks
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Avoiding Losers as an Investment Strategy
Default Optimism Is Rational
Optimism is the most rational viewpoint to have by default. Unlike pessimism or negativity, optimism is helpful even when faked because we find evidence for whichever mindset we have.
The COVID-19 Delta Variant Is 60% More Transmissible Than the Alpha Variant
A mutation of COVID-19 is spreading quickly throughout the world and threatens recovery efforts.
We Find What We Seek, What We Projected
Jiddu Krishnamurti recounts a story about a man who has in solitude and meditated for 25 years only to recognize that it was a waste.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Sell Solutions Not Software
When you sell software, the buyer considers whether or not they need more software.
Figure Out What's Wrong With a Step in a Funnel by Looking at the Previous Step
When you are trying to figure out why a particular step in the funnel isn’t working, start by looking at the previous step.
Describe the Solution in Terms the Buyer Uses to Evaluate It
When you sell solutions not software, you need to be as concrete as possible about the buyer’s use case so you can describe your solutions in the same terms they use to evaluate it.
Grammarly Comes Close to Being an Organizational Linter
Grammarly improves the overall level of communication within an organization, but if you think of it as an organizational linter it does much more.
Culture Is an Attempt to Cover Up Our Wildness
Immanual Kant states that between instinct and culture is wildness. It is in mankind’s nature to be raw and wild so we find ways to cover up this wildness through culture—a collective set of customs, art, and achievements.
Psychology Overwhelms Fundamentals in the Short Run
In discussing market changes, Howard Marks, remarks that psychology overwhelms fundamentals in the short run as the reason why markets can appear irrational.
Intermediate Axis Theorem
An object that is rotating on it’s intermediate axis is unstable.
Decision Fatigue Leads to Bad Decision Making
It takes effort to make decisions and when confronted with numerous decisions to make, people get fatigued.
You Don't Need 100 Bees for 100 Flowers to Bloom
A saying from a Korean drama (which might be poorly translated into English) that all it takes is a few people to spread something.
Al Smith Was a Poor and Uneducated Tammany Man Who Rose to Be the Governor of New York
Al Smith was a poor Irish-American who grew up in the Fourth Ward of New York City (Lower East Side).
§ How to Make Your First Sales Before Launching
Answering the question, how do you do early sales when you are pre-product?
Slow Burns Prevent Blank Page Anxiety
It’s easy to be intimidated or anxious when doing something big all at once like writing an essay.
Reflections on Writing 1000 Notes
I’ve now written 1,000 notes since May 25, 2020 in my Zettelkasten.
Recursive UseEffect in React
In React, useEffect let’s you perform side effects in function components.
A Minimum Remarkable Product Is Obviously Better
People often get hung up on the ‘viable’ part of a minimum viable product (MVP) and tend to think of it as something that can be crappy.
How Refresh Tokens Work
A refresh token in an OAuth setup using Json Web Tokens (JWT) is used to request a new access token.
45% of Jobs Can Be Done Remotely
Merging data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) round 16, and American Time Use Survey (ATUS) shows that an estimated 45% of jobs (~67MM based on number of employed citizens) in the US can be done remotely.