• The Power Broker

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Dictator Book Club: Orban

  • Stratechery

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note What Is a Tech Company

  • Fighting the Framework

    In software development, when you are spending time trying to implement something that the framework you are using either doesn’t do or makes it harder.

  • Component-Driven Development

    In frontend development, a component-driven workflow is a way of building websites and applications by breaking down the UI into smaller components and iterating on them independently and composing them together.

  • Mutagen Greatly Speeds Up Docker on MacOS

    After noticing abysmal performance of Docker for macOS and after a few Google searches (searching ‘docker macos performance’ yields 5MM hits) to confirm the issue, the recommended solution is to use Mutagen.

  • Stealth Mode

    This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Stealth Mode Provides Optionality

  • Python Type Hinting

    Python 3+ has type annotations that can be used for static type checking using a separate program.

  • Python

    A dynamic programming language used heavily in the startup and scientific community.

  • Choose Boring Technology

    A counter response to the growing sprawl of technologies that argues boring technology (tried and true, more mature) is far more effective than the latest shiny tool that gets popular on HackerNews.

  • ASO

    An administrative services organization (ASO) is an outsourcing provider for HR related administrative work.