§ What I Learned 2020
Personal COVID-19 Deaths per day in the US due to COVID-19 is more than twice that of WWII COVID-19 is a vehicle of fantasmic projection american values are incompatible with managing the epidemic structural racism substituted economics for racisom stress and anxiety are cumulative zoom fatigue My morning practice Personal note taking practice Reflections on writing 500 notes https://www.
Consumers Buy Products, Enterprises Buy Platforms
The buying behavior of consumers versus enterprises can be characterized by the difference between products and platforms.
Trailing Tax Liability
When employees move around they generate trailing tax liabilities for the time spent in a particular jurisdiction.
Measure Progress Rather Than Outcomes
When you are feeling overwhelmed by something you are working on, measure the progress you are making rather than the final outcome.
Back Office
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Peos Charge Two to Seven Percent of Payroll
Mousemove Events Fire When a Modifier Key Is Pressed
A surprising quirk of the mousemove event is that it gets fired when a modifier key is pressed on the keyboard (once on key down and once on key up).
Heuristics for Hiring in a New State
Setting up operations in a new state has many requirements and can result in tax obligations.
Trading Money for Time Is Leverage on Focus
The amount one can do is limited by the number of hours in a day.
Startups Oscillate Between Operating Ignorance and Normalization
As companies grow their operations become more complex and they must constantly make changes.
SAFE Note Terms
Most investors use the ‘post-cap’ version of a SAFE note (post-money valuation with cap).
Information Asymmetry During Fundraising Is a Big Advantage for Investors
Founders that are fundraising for the first time do not know how venture capital works and need to rapidly learn in time to negotiate terms.
Stock and Flow
Stock and flow is an economics concept referring to static value (stock) and transactions over a period of time (flow).
How a Seed Round Works
Companies need to be incorporated and founder stock must be issued before executing a SAFE and taking any investment.
False Precision
When exact numbers are used to express something that can not be described with exact numbers (e.
Key Considerations for How Much to Raise in a Seed Round
The key considerations for how much to raise in a seed round are:
Be Upfront With Seed Investors About Bringing on Another Co-Founder Later
Seed investors are primarily evaluating the team and the space in order to make an investment decision.
List of Fully Remote Startups
The following are remote native companies with all employees working remotely.
Professional Employer Organization
An outsourcing firm that typically offers payroll services, tax withholding, HR, and benefits.
Employer of Record
A payroll partners that is responsible for employment compliance and liability of employees.
Differences Between PEO and EOR
An EOR is much more expensive because they take on all of the liability and compliance on behalf of the company.
Options for Brotli Compression Using Cloudfront and S3
When using AWS S3 as an origin to serve a static website distributed by AWS Cloudfront you need to choose how to enable brotli compression.
Thin Content Does Not Get Indexed by Google
Part of Google’s algorithm for indexing content is determining whether a page is useful.
Remote Native Companies Don't Have Real Addresses
Most business registration requires a company to have a real physical mailing address.
Employers of Remote Workers Are Unsure They Are Remitting Taxes Correctly
Due to COVID-19, employees are spread throughout the country and moving around.