Responsive Web Layout Using Vars
You can use CSS vars to create responsive layouts. One technique called css-media-vars (repo) is a sort of mixin for CSS selectors that have the effect of named breakpoints analogous to a media query, but with much less boilerplate.
Trump Paradox
The media tends to focus on the amount of lying that President Trump does–you can often find headlines that quantify it to some large number.
Methods of Product Ideation
There are four kinds of product ideation that can be thought of along two axis, organic vs inorganic and bottom-up vs top-down.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Determinate Negation
Determinate Negation
From Hegel’s Dialectics, an object that is what it is not.
Zipf's Law
Given a corpus of language, the frequency of a word (how many times it shows up in the corpus) is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table of words.
A Team Charter Is a Mission Plus Metrics
A mission should be boiled down to a single aspirational statement that encompasses what the team actually does that’s valuable (not necessarily what leadership says they do), metrics describe the observable effects as the team succeeds in the mission.
The Internet Has American Values Encoded
The internet as a system contains values such as freedom and privacy that are deeply embedded in the implementation and it’s evolution.
Humor Over Rumor
Combating misinformation and disinformation campaigns using humor. Taiwanese hacker and Digital Minister Audrey Tang talks about how, for example, hours after a post containing misinformation is detected, Audrey’s team will publish a joke that contains the real information in it.
Audrey Tang
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note The Internet Has American Values Encoded
Walter Jackson Freeman
Physician that lost his surgical license (due to someone dying during an operation) who went on to perform over 4,000 lobotomies.
The Wind Rises
An animated film from Studio Ghibli about Jiro Horikoshi, the engineer that designed the famous Japanese ‘Zero’ fighter plane.
Standing Desks Improve Psychological Health
Using a standing desk improves job performance, work engagement, anxiety, and quality of life.
Product Quality
PQ Links to this note Use the Product
Make Sure Your Budget Gets on Screen
In Hollywood set design, you need to optimize in a way that optimizes for the most impact on screen–money spent off screen is effectively useless to the end result, the film.
CFM Is a Measure of Fabric Breathability
Cubic feet per square meter is a measurement of how much air breathability and air resistance a fabric has.
Genetic Isopoint
The point in which the lineage of any two people currently alive can be traced to the same common ancestor.
How Cellino & Barnes, Personal Injury Law Firm, Works
The most famous personal injury attorneys from New York due to non-stop advertising, Cellino & Barnes created a breakthrough business that was very successful (each partner was making $10MM per year at one point).
Measure Aqi Using the Sds011 Sensor
The Nova SDS011 sensor is an inexpensive ($30) air quality sensor that uses laser scattering to detect particles at 2.
Air Quality Index
Air quality index is calculated from the value of a pollutant concentration (pm2.
Swanson's Law
The price of solar panels drops 20% for every time the quantity shipped doubles.
People Judge the Quality of a Product by Whatever Is Visible
The user’s evaluation of the quality of a product is not separate from the aesthetics.
Social Cooling
The idea that, as a result of mass surveillance, data collection and social media are leading to behavioral changes.
Privacy Is the Right to Be Imperfect
If everything is public or under surveillance, actions could have negative externalities.