• Note Blogging

    A blog of working notes that others can read and follow along with to learn about interesting ideas and things you are coming across.

  • Finite State Machine

    A model of computation where there is exactly one state at a time of a fixed number states.

  • Pareto Principle

    80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This distribution seems to repeat in many problem spaces where there is an imbalance between the inputs and outputs.

  • Nuclear Micro-Reactors

    Smaller self-contained nuclear reactors that can be manufactured and shipped. Multiple micro-reactors can be combined for higher energy needs.

  • Improving Tail Latency Improves Reliability, UX, and Sales

    Focusing on continuously improving p99.9 latency (long tail latency) not only improves overall latency, it necessitates more reliable systems, better user experience, and enables more enterprise sales who tend to want contractual obligations around p50 latency.

  • Living an Examined Life

    The practice of being mindful about consciousness so that one can be more present and not have their mental states dictated by things out of their control.

  • Agent-Based API

    A way of modeling an external API provider as a compute resource for executing an agent program.

  • Juice

    In game design and development, juice is a term for the details that make the game visually interesting and exciting to interact with.

  • BLUF

    Stands for ‘below the line up front’ as a way leading with the conclusion from a memo.

  • Sapiens

    A book by Yuval Noah Harari about the history of humans and how we got to where we are today.