Schlep Blindness Is a Moat
Founders that are willing to take on problem areas that are unappealing because it seems like a lot of work is a moat.
Remote Workers Are Increasingly Choosing Not to Work From the Office
A Pew Research Center Survey found that 61% of remote workers who have a company office say it’s their choice not to work from there.
Proof of Worth
When joining a new team, a common piece of advice is to “gain credibility” by doing undesirable tasks others don’t want to do.
Utopians Are Defined by Their Pessimism
Visionaries pushing some form of utopia are defined by their pessimism.
Trying to Know the Unknowable Leads to Pessimism
We do not yet know what we have not discovered and trying to know the unknowable (prophesy) leads to pessimism.
SaaS Churn Benchmarks for B2B Companies
A good churn rate for a B2B company serving small and medium businesses (SMB) and mid-market businesses (< 1000 employees) is 2.
Good Explanations Trilema
You can spot bad explanations similar to the way you can spot bad arguments using the Münchhausen trilemma.
Problems Are Soluble
All problems are soluble with the right knowledge. That doesn’t mean we know the solution already, but that the pursuit of good explanations will lead to progress towards one.
Problems Are Conflicts Between Ideas
The essence of problems is when two ideas come into conflict with each other.
Dogs Bark but the Train Keeps Going
There’s a Finnish saying that the “dogs are barking but the train keeps going” meaning that people will always be talking about you but it doesn’t matter.
Technology Is an Expression of Knowledge, Not Knowledge Itself
Knowledge and technology go hand-in-hand but they should not be confused for each other.
Techno-Optimism Is Rational
Techno-optimists believe technology can solve the world’s most pressing problems. With the right knowledge, we can find solutions to climate change like abundant clean energy.
If You've Never Had an Annoying Neighbor, You're the Annoying Neighbor
It can be difficult to empathize with others without direct experience.
Commoditization Increases the Importance of Distribution
As products and services become commoditized, distribution and companies that help distribution become more important.
Taking an Airplane Into the Water
The user is complaining that our boat is leaking through the windows, it’s unstable, and too slow.
Measuring Infinity
In a thought experiment from The Beginning of Infinity, the author introduces a universe traveling device.
The Turing-Test Is an Empiricist Mistake
The Turing-test is rooted in the idea that a human can judge whether something is an Artificial Intelligence merely by the behaviors it exhibits during the test.
Building Compliance Products Is Like Reading Kafka but You Get to Fix It
Many people don’t find compliance to be a particularly interesting area to work on.
Jump to Universality
The jump to universality has two phases. Before universality, one needs to create specialized objects.
Computers Are Universal Objects
Computers can be programmed to do anything a model of computation can express.
It's Easier to Blame Others for Lack of Success
Given the choice between taking responsibility for lack of success in a given arena and blaming others for keeping you down, many will choose to blame others.
Applications for New Businesses Are Up 20 Percent
In 2021, 5.4 million applications for new businesses were filed. This rise in entrepreneurial activity coincides with the Great Resignation and the COVID-19 global pandemic where people are re-evaluating their relationship with work.
Give Users a Way to Skip the Invite List
A common pattern for launching products and companies is to start with an invite-only beta.
Abstractions Are Real
The real world and it’s behaviors are extraordinarily complex. To theorize and create good explanations necessarily requires some encapsulation of ideas through abstractions.