Consensus Macro Forecasts Provide No Value
Macro forecasting is an area where it is easy to be as right as the consensus, but very hard to be more right.
Time Crystals Break Time-Translation Symmetry
A time crystal is a repeating pattern in the time dimensions which breaks symmetry with the law of conservation of energy.
Why Hasn't Remote Work Become a Political Issue?
Remote work seems like a natural extension of death-cult politicians to rail against remote work like they did against masks and vaccinations.
Human Intelligence Is a Special Case of Artificial Intelligence
There is every evidence that intelligence can be embodied materially. Our intelligence and mind comes from matter.
Taste Is the Refined Sense of Judgment and Finding Balance That Produces a Pleasing and Integrated Whole
Having ‘good taste’ is difficult to define. Taste is subjective, it is only confirmed by assent from others (from Immanual Kant) a kind of determinate negation.
Design Is How It Works
Steve Jobs was quoted as saying “Design is how it works.
90% of the Population Needs to Be Vaccinated for Herd Immunity From the Delta Variant
Because the COVID-19 Delta variant is much more transmissible (translating to a higher R rate of 50-100% higher than a year ago) and mRNA vaccines are 90% effective, we need 90% of the population to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.
In Sales, Top of the Funnel Growth Cures All Ails
In sales, the difference between hitting your numbers and not has more to do with the volume of your top of the funnel than anything else.
Not Having to Commute for Five Hours Is Equivalent to a 10 Percent Raise
In 2019, Americans spent an average of 55.2 minutes per day commuting.
Emacs in the Browser Using Codespaces
Using codespaces, you can open a web-based VSCode session, open a terminal and install emacs.
There Are Surprisingly Few Product Engineers
Product engineers solve user problems, but why are there so few of them?
SQLite Workaround for Find_in_set
SQLite doesn’t have a FIND_IN_SET operator to test whether or not a string exists in set value.
The Downside of Using Org-Id Links in Org-Roam
In org-roam v2, a new requirement was added for all notes to have an org ID.
The US Is the Only Country That Recognizes Co-Employment
Professional employer organizations rely on co-employment to share responsibilities with their customers.
SUTA Dumping
SUTA dumping is fraudulent arbitrage of State Unemployment Tax where fraud-y PEOs put employees from high insurance rate companies into a new entity with a low insurance rate and pocketed the difference.
PEOs Charge Two to Seven Percent of Payroll
PEOs charge between 2-7% of the dollar volume of the payroll for their services (more for GEOs) generating revenue between $1,200 per employee per year up to $4,000 (source: JP Morgan).
PEO Was Made Up to Dress Up the Image of Employee-Leasing
Employee leasing was started in the 1960s and is a predecessor to professional employer organizations (PEO).
Global Employment Organization
A global employment organization (GEO) is an employer of record that is used to hire employees outside of the client’s country.
Governments Are Comfortable Thinking Long Term When It Comes to Infrastructure
While government tends to be short-term oriented (the election cycle drives decisions so officials can be re-elected), an area the do feel comfortable thinking long term is infrastructure.
Notion Rollup Count by Month
Notion has limited support for counting rows in a table using rollups.
Surprise Plus Memory Equals Learning
Learning is composed of two elements: surprise and memory. If you go about life and nothing is surprising then you wouldn’t have anything new to learn.
San Francisco Is Living in the Future, New York City Is Living in the Present
To summarize the difference in mindset between the two places—San Francisco is living in the future and New York City is living in the present.
Taking the Long View Penetrates the Illusion
Our senses are attuned to things that change quickly (like the lottery), but this causes us to miss what is actually going on (gambling means losing).
Engineering as Delivery or Engineering as Product
Organizations tend to set up their engineering organization in one of two ways.