Emacs Is the Ultimate Editor Building Material
Emacs is not a great text editor in and of itself—it’s a building material for the best text editor you can make for yourself.
The Bushman and the Baboon
Baboons are really good at finding water. Baboons also really love salt.
Good Taste Must Exist Because Good Artists Exist
Some people argue that there is no such thing as “good taste” in art.
Good Taste Is an Intuition About Power
Good taste is a closeness between what you perceive as power vs what is power, independent of who is observing it.
How to Write a Sales Narrative
A sales narrative is a cohesive story that explains why customers need your product.
Unfollow Artists, Follow Archaeologists
There was a meme in on Twitter that you should unfollow VCs and follow artists.
When Things Are Going Well It Feels Like Users Are Pulling You
When things are going poorly it feels like you are pushing your users.
This Is Water
Read the full transcript
The Creator Economy Is Aspirational
The term “creator economy” and the lexicon around it has broad appeal—who doesn’t want to be a “creator” or a “builder”?
Moving From a Big Company to Do a Startup Is Like Being a New Grad
A good analogy might be graduating from university and getting your first job.
Comments for Static Sites
GitHub powered (Commentor needs to oauth GitHub to comment) Utterances uses GitHub issues Gitalk uses GitHub issues Giscus uses GitHub discussions
The Donner Party Got Stuck in the Sierras and Resorted to Cannibalism
A group of pioneers taking the Oregon Trail to California in 1847 became trapped in the Sierras due to snow storms.
Depression Is Living in the Past, Anxiety Is Living in the Future
One can think of depression and anxiety as two ends of a spectrum.
Crypto Is the New Forum for Old Scams
Crypto is a hotbed of scams, but we shouldn’t be so surprised.
Being an Optimist With Anxiety
I’m an optimist with anxiety—constantly fretting about the future, but optimistic that it will work out fine.
Passion for One's Tools Is Part of What Makes Product-Led Growth Successful
Driving word of mouth needed for product-led growth comes from a passion for one’s tools.
Language Is Crucial to a Developing Mind, but Not Essential to a Fully Formed Mind
The notion that “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world” (Ludwig Wittgenstein) is only partially true.
Share of Remote Workers Fell From 35% to 11%
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported the share of remote workers fell from 35% to 11% from May 2020 to October 2021.
Ideas for Making Notes More Inviting
Right now my personal note taking practice is mostly structured text with a few conventions, published as a really long list.
An Epistemic Status Sets Expectations About Content
A trait of digital gardening is to include metadata in a post to indicate how confident the author is in the post.
The Godzilla Speech
The founder of Startmate, who went on to found Australia’s best venture capital firm (Blackbird VC), always gave what he called “the Godzilla speech” to people when they joined.
OSHA Mandate-or-Test Workplace Vaccine Rule Pushes COVID-19 Prevention Onto Employers
OSHA issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) that requires large employers (100+ employees) to enforce COVID-19 vaccination and testing.
High Retention Products Are the Most Viral
Low retention products eventually die, even if they grow really fast to begin with.
Dictator Book Club: Orban
Dictator Book Club: Orban from Astral Codex Ten describes the rise to power of Viktor Orban, dictator of Hungary.