• Dynamically Set the Height of an Element Based on It's Parent

    There is not a great way to dynamically fill the vertical space in a parent element in CSS without setting a fixed height. To do this in React using flexbox, you need to get a reference to the parent element and calculate the height using a callback hook.

    For example:

    const [interiorHeight, setInteriorHeight] = useState<number>(0);
    const measuredRef = useCallback((node) => {
      // Before the component mounts the node ref will be null
      if (node !== null) {
    }, []);
    return (
      <div ref={measuredRef} className="p-6 pt-10">
        <div className="flex items-center" style={{height: `${interiorHeight}px`}}>
          I'm {interiorHeight} pixels tall!

  • Fundraising as a Solo Founder

    When it comes to raising money, being a solo founder goes against the grain. Many investors figure it’s safer to invest in founders that come in pairs. (Possibly because of this essay from Paul Graham)

    It makes some sense if you think about it. Founder drama happens and if there are multiple co-founders the company goes on, if it’s a solo-founder and they leaveβ€”game over.

    The good news is that fundraising as a solo founder stops being a problem after raising the seed round. The bad news is that you have to be able to raise the seed round in the first place.

    Fundraising is always hard despite what people might tell you. Ignore anyone who hasn’t recently raised money for their own startup.

    The way to mitigate the challenges of raising solo is to 1) have all of the skills needed to lead the company (if you’re building a software product that means being an engineer and/or product leader) 2) have unique knowledge about the market problem you are going to solve (maybe by having built something related before) 3) increase the positive signal around you (e.g. coming out of a high-profile company, exited a previous startup, have a large following) and 4) already have the relationships with investors so they know you before you raise money.

    See also:

  • Websites as a Family Heirloom

    Three things lead me to believe that websites will soon become an heirloom passed down generation to generation: 1) the ubiquity of the web generally (which is still only 59% of the world’s population) 2) the scarcity of web domains 3) the value of search engine ranking.

    Similar to passing down a piece of jewelry that has both sentimental value and actual wealth attached to it, an old domain that is well established in existing search indices would increase in value over time. The next generation would see the previous generation’s toil and old technology as something to be restored and preserved while adding to it.

    See also:

  • The Quantum Suicide Argument and Subjective Certainty

    In an infinite multiverse, where every possibility allowed by physics is certain, the argument goes that one could be absolutely sure of winning the lottery using the following hack. Buy a lottery ticket and set up a machine that will automatically kill you in your sleep if you lose. Supposing you don’t care about any history in which you are not a lottery winner, this is way of winning the lottery with certainty…at least in universes where you are a lottery winner.

    See also:

    • The Beginning of Infinity discusses this to show how anthropic arguments rely on probabilities of infinity which we don’t have a way of measuring so it’s likely the assumptions made are false

  • Omega Point Universes

    A universe that collapses to a single point due to baryon annihilation required to produce energy needed for colonization. The universe is not infinite and even though we observe the universe expansion accelerating, that doesn’t mean it will continue to accelerate forever. This is like the counterpoint of the Big Bangβ€”the “Big Crunch”.

    In The Beginning of Infinity, the author argues an omega-point universe is necessary for the energy required to achieve infinite knowledge creation. This can be thought of as a computation problemβ€”how could there be infinite computation if there is not infinite time? Similar to the trick used to measure infinity, an advanced civilization would increase the computation speed (speeding up thought) as the universe collapses, harnessing the heat energy from the collapse to further accelerate computation, and approach infinite computation.

    (This reminds me of one of my favorite books, Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami.)

  • Swiss Travel Pass

    The Swiss Travel Pass is an all-in-one ticket offered by the SFF for most forms of transportation in Switzerland. It also comes in a flex pass (choose the days you travel) and a youth pass at a discount.

    The pass can be purchased in 3, 4, 6, 8 or 15 consecutive days of travel. The flex pass be purchased for 3, 4, 6, 8, or 15 selectable days of travel and is slightly more expensive (675 vs 706 CHF for 15 days in 1st class).

    There are two classes of tickets: first and second class. Second class train ticket for 8 days is $420 vs $666 for first class. First class has deck access on steamer boats, seats tend to be larger on trains and less crowded.

    The pass includes discounts on museums and high mountain lifts, but discounts are only available on counted travel days for the given pass. For a flex pass that would include the days picked as part of the allotment of days.

    The Swiss Travel Pass can be bought 30 days in advance.

  • Human Knowledge Is Meme Replication

    Despite common ancestry between humans and apes, humans have the ability to grow collective knowledge through the replication of memes.

    Memes are ideas paired with behaviors. Replicating a meme means you’ve internalized the idea and behaviors to transmit them to others.

    You can teach apes to open a nut using a tool and a process, but they are not replicating memes they are emulating the motions. Humans don’t learn through emulation but through explanation.

    Creativity is required to replicate memes. The same creativity needed to acquire existing knowledge is the same thing needed to create new knowledge.

    This also explains how vast collective knowledge can start from a static society that tries its best to inhibit any change or new ideas. It takes creativity to perfectly replicate existing knowledge and ideas.

    The Beginning of Infinity

  • Elegance Is a Heuristic Guide to Truth

    It seems that the best explanations are often the most elegant. Sometimes it’s in the simplicity, sometimes it’s in the obviousness. Looking at some of the biggest discoveries in math and science (e.g. relativity, DNA, calculus, evolution, computing) and thinking, “how could it not have been so?”

    It happens so often that it might be a useful heuristic for finding objective truth. If explanations require major contortions and gymnastics, it’s probably a sign it’s not objectively true.

    From The Beginning of Infinity.

  • The Larger an Object Gets the Less Behavior Is Affected by Interference

    Quantum interference does not affect the behavior of larger more complex objects (like human beings) the way it does for individual elementary particles due to entanglement. That’s why you don’t observe the concepts/theories in quantum mechanics like superposition and the multiverse in everyday life. The Beginning of Infinity, however, describes some scenarios where it could.

    Take for instance a neutron traveling across the universe. Due to interference it’s position and speed make it more like a cloud by the time it reaches Earth. It hits every point on the Earth and in our autonomous history it strikes a single cell of a person and damages their DNA causing cancer. This would clearly have an impact at a macro level and even world-altering consequences.

  • The Infinite Butler Problem

    Conventional wisdom says you should do one thing and do it really well. Customers however, can only bear so many different tools before the fragmentation makes it harder to solve their problem.

    An infinite butler would do everything really well, instantly available at one’s beck and call. Imagine a platform for running your business that just did everything from start to finish. Sounds great but it doesn’t exist. Why?

    There’s a fundamental tension between the number of problems solved and the quality of the product. If the number of problems your product promises to solve outweighs the capacity to sufficiently solve them, you have a crappy infinite butler.

    (I paraphrased this idea from a conversation I had with Jeff Weinstein who is just a fountain of wisdom for building products and startups)

    See also:

    • A crappy infinite butler can still win when worse is better
    • Design is how it works and the complexity of solving an overly broad set of problems directly will mire design
    • Another explanation for why we don’t see more attempts at an infinite butler is that it’s in opposition to having good taste