Shipwrecked Boys Don't Devolve Into Savagery
Unlike the Lord of the Flies, a real life story about six shipwrecked boys who ended up on a deserted island in Tonga for 15 months showed cooperation and loyalty rather than murder and mayhem.
Advantages Accrue to the Leader
Markets exhibit the Pareto principle in that most of the advantages accrue to a small number of players—mostly number one.
Remote Work Resulted in a 30% Increase in Hours Worked and 20% Decrease in Productivity
A study of 10,000 workers at an Asian IT company found that when comparing before the pandamic and during (the work from home period), the number of hours worked increased by 30% (including 18% increase outside of normal working hours, but the average output remained the same.
FastAPI Logging in ECS Is Kafkaesque
Getting logging to work using FastAPI in a production ECS environment is a mess of configuration and awkward interfaces.
Zero Trust Security Frameworks
Zero Trust refers to securing at the device level rather than at the network level.
Weekly Reflection Clarifies Broad Based Worrying
At the end of the week I reflect on what went well, what’s not working, and what I learned.
Münchhausen Trilemma Explains Common Tropes of Arguments
The Münchhausen trilemma occurs when attempting to prove anything to be true.
Make It Easy to Say Yes to Making an Introduction
When asking for an introduction, make at is easy as possible for the person making the introduction.
The Clock of the Long Now
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note The Viewing Problem of Obsolete Storage
Civilization Is Composed of Fast Layers and Slow Layers to Absorb Shocks
Resilient systems that can absorb shocks (short peaks of rapid change) have multiple layers that move at different speeds.
Drinking Alone Is a Distinctly American Phenomenon
During the rapid expansion westward in America between 1790 and 1830, the average adult drank more than nine gallons of spirits per year.
You Should Be Able to Get From Seed to Series a on Your Network Alone
Most early founder-led sales will come from the founder’s personal network.
Intermittent Fasting Improves Long-Term Memory and Neurogenesis in Mice
A study published in Nature found that intermittent fasting improved long-term memory, neurogenesis, and longevity (increased expression of Klotho) in mice.
Half of Millennials and Gen Z Would Consider Quitting if Employers Don't Allow Remote Work
A poll done by Morning Consult on behalf of Bloomberg News in May 2021 showed that 39% of U.
Tournament Like Fields With Asymetric and Convex Payouts Favor High-Variance Strategies
Fields that exhibit tournaments with asymmetric and convex payouts favor high-variance strategies (variance from the benchmark mean).
Employees Picking Their Work From Home Days Leads to Inequality
Many companies are moving to a hybrid remote setup when it’s safe for employees to return to offices.
Minority Job Candidates Are Significantly More Worried About Being Able to Work Remotely
According to a recent survey by WayUp that measured how job seekers felt in the current COVID-19 job climate, Black and Hispanic/Latino job seekers were 145% more likely to be concerned about being capable of doing a job remotely compared to White job seekers.
Inequality of Remote Work
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note 20% of US Workers Are Expected to Work from Home Permanently
Black and Hispanic People Have Less Access to Broadband Internet Than White People
A 2019 Pew Research survey found that Black and Hispanic people have less access to broadband internet than White people (66% 61% vs 79% respectively).
Work Abroad for Less Than 6 Months to Avoid Tax Issues
As a general rule of thumb, according to this article in the NY Times, when working in another country you should stay less than 6 months to avoid having to file a tax return in both countries.
Remote Work Does Not Mean Being a Digital Nomad
There are misconceptions that companies allowing remote work means you can work move around and work from anywhere.
Mindfulness Helps You Feel Less Self-Conscious
Mindfulness helps decrease the feeling of being self-conscious. This makes sense because the practice reveals the illusory self and how everything arises in consciousness.
Why Is Everything Liberal Literary Notes
Why Is Everything Liberal argues that corporations are left-leaning even though half of people vote conservative because liberals care more.
Delaying the Second Dose of the Pfizer Vaccine Results in 3x the Antibodies
According to a recent study, people over the age of 80 that were given the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 12 weeks after the first dose ended up with over three times as many antibodies after the second dose.