• Outsourced Thinking

    Having to think about everything all the time would be impractical so people rely on other people to think certain thoughts for them.

  • FMLA and Remote Work

    The rules for when a company must provide federally mandated medical leave to employees may change due to remote work.

  • Is Your Pricing Too High?

    How do you know if your price is too high? A few things could be happening: the product isn’t actually as valuable as you think, you’re talking to the wrong customers, you’re not conveying the value properly, or some combination of the three.

  • Mission Beats Culture

    Having a meaningful mission that draw people in and compels them to do their best work together is more powerful than good culture alone.

  • News Diet

    A news diet is intentionally limiting yourself to certain quantities and outlets for news and media.

  • Learning Styles Don't Exist

    The idea that everyone has their own learning style and learning is most effective when teachers use your style is not based on any scientific evidence.

  • Degrees of Souledness

    People tend to think of objects and living things as having a soul or not having a soul when really it’s a continuous scale of souledness.

  • I Am a Strange Loop

    Written by Douglas R. Hofstadter. Links to this note Every Human Consciousness Lives at Once in a Collection of Brains