38% of Manhattan Office Workers Are in the Workplace
A recent survey from The Partnership for New York City found 38% of Manhattan office workers are in the workplace as of April 2022.
Contingency Recruiting Doesn't Work Well for Early-Stage Startups
Contingency recruiting is not very effective for early-stage hiring. Since contingency recruiters get paid only if they are able to fill a job opening and charge 20-25% of the new hire’s first year salary, they tend to share candidate profiles with larger companies that pay higher salaries which make them more money.
There Is an Iceberg of Content Within Organizations
There is so much writing that goes into running modern organizations but very little of it is ever seen.
Shake and Pull
An algorithm for working on hard problems is to shake and pull.
Codespaces and Emacs TRAMP
While you can use Emacs in the browser using Codespaces, it involves getting all of your emacs config set up on Codespaces.
San Francisco Lost $400MM of Tax Revenue in 2021
San Francisco Mayor London Breed said that workers are not returning to the office which has resulted a loss of $400MM in tax revenue.
Remote Work Will Become a Political Issue
Up to this point in the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has been a buoy keeping many parts of the economy afloat.
35% of American Workers Have the Option to Work Remotely Full Time
According to a recent survey from McKinsey & Company, American workers say they have the option to work part time or full time from home (58% and 35% respectively).
Understanding Michael Porter (Literary Notes)
I’m currently reading and taking notes on Understanding Michael Porter by Joan Magretta.
Investment Strategies That Only Work in a Bull Market
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Running a Startup During a Recession
Distributed Content Discovery
One of the biggest challenge with distributed content networks and the fediverse is discovery.
Crossover Investors Monetize Late Stage Startup Valuations
Like many financial services hedge-fund crossover investing makes money by charging fees for assets under management.
Web Browser in Emacs
There is a builtin emacs web browser (eww) but it’s text-based.
Start a Personal CRM as Early as Possible
Now that I’ve used a CRM from scratch for startup sales and support, I’m coming around to the idea that you should start a personal CRM as early as possible in your career.
Reflections on Two Years of Note Blogging
It’s been two years since I started a note blog.
How to Use Twitter for Business
Twitter is no longer viable. Use LinkedIn. Old version: Kinds of content to build your audience
Probability of a Recession (2022 Q3)
The probability of a recession in the near term based on estimates from economists at investment banks.
How to Start and Run a Remote-First Startup
This guide is for founders starting a fully remote company in the United States.
Kardeshev Scale
The Kardeshev scale measures the advancement of civilization based on energy consumption.
Past Experience Is a Repetoire Not a Playbook
There’s a tendency for new people joining a company to immediately draw from their past and implement the things they’ve seen succeed but there is danger in treating experience as a playbook.
Reactionary Politics Is a Dead End
Political views based on a reaction to something else (e.g. wearing masks, anti-science, a decision) is a dead end because it says nothing about what you want from this world.
The Grug Brained Developer
The grug brained developer is the counterpoint of the big brained developer.
Linking Time Crystals
In a recent experiment, researchers were able to link two time crystals together by placing them close enough that they could influence each other.
The Trust Battery
The trust battery is a metaphor for thinking about trust between people.