• Technology Is an Expression of Knowledge, Not Knowledge Itself

    Knowledge and technology go hand-in-hand but they should not be confused for each other. Technology is just one expression of knowledge. For example, lithium ion batteries are the culmination of knowledge spanning chemistry, physics, and geology—batteries are not the knowledge itself.

    This is an important distinction because arguing against technology (e.g. techno-pessimism) often means arguing against the premise that new knowledge can be created (and therefore better technology).


  • Techno-Optimism Is Rational

    Techno-optimists believe technology can solve the world’s most pressing problems. With the right knowledge, we can find solutions to climate change like abundant clean energy. Can we acquire the knowledge to build nuclear fusion reactors? Can we do it in time?

    The Beginning of Infinity lays out a detailed argument about why we should be optimistic that we can. We’re already in the habit of transforming inhospitable environments into support systems (we wouldn’t survive a winter day in New York otherwise). We have a way of building knowledge that is error correcting and can build on itself generation after generation. In the fullness of time, all knowledge is attainable and can therefore be transformed into technology used to solve problems.

    Techno-pessimism is a parochial error. One must take the position that we lack the ability to make technological solutions to climate change or that it’s not possible in time. The only solution is to limit what we collectively do (e.g. austerity measures and degrowth) but that requires a great deal of optimism that people will work together on an extremely unpopular premise (loss aversion).

    There are many instances where technology (and technologists) went wrong—Facebook ruined democracy, nuclear power disasters, weapons, so on. But using this as a reason against techno-optimism is also a parochial error because it presumes that we won’t acquire the knowledge to solve these problems (technology is an expression of knowledge, not knowledge itself).

    See also:


  • Commoditization Increases the Importance of Distribution

    As products and services become commoditized, distribution and companies that help distribution become more important. Marketing and branding is one way to grow, but finding channel partners that already have a relationship with the target market is more effective.

    I suspect that’s why sources of revenue for mature companies shifts to channel partnerships over time and why platforms like Shopify (platform close relationships with businesses) and Stripe (platform that helps others distribute a capability) are growing so quickly.

    See also:

    • In 7 Powers parlance, platforms for distribution are a combination of economies of scale (they can reach more per dollar than marketing directly) and process power (a product or service that builds ongoing relationships)


  • Taking an Airplane Into the Water

    The user is complaining that our boat is leaking through the windows, it’s unstable, and too slow. Sometimes you have to remember that some users will never be happy with your product because they decided to take an airplane into the water.

    I heard this indirectly from Geoff Belknap.

    See also:

    • Choose boring technology, but don’t expect a good tool to work in every situation
    • Product debt and tech debt happens when you try to make people happier using your plane as a boat


  • Measuring Infinity

    In a thought experiment from The Beginning of Infinity, the author introduces a universe traveling device. During a set interval, you hold the button you go from universe 1 to universe 2 for one minute then on to universe 3 for 30 seconds and so on until you release it and are taken back to universe 1. By the time two minutes is up, you will have traversed the infinite set of universes. If the instrument could take readings along the way, you have a way to measure infinity.

    See also:


  • The Turing-Test Is an Empiricist Mistake

    The Turing-test is rooted in the idea that a human can judge whether something is an Artificial Intelligence merely by the behaviors it exhibits during the test. In reality, a judgment of whether or not it’s a genuine AI requires an explanation of how it works.

    Taking the position that the Turing-test is accurate assumes that, given enough responses to fool a human judge, knowledge was automatically created. It’s more likely that no knowledge was created at all and a passing Turing-test is the manifestation of existing knowledge—that of the developer that programmed it. Determining if AI is genuine is to separate it from the developer which a Turing-test can’t do.

    See also:


  • Jump to Universality

    The jump to universality has two phases. Before universality, one needs to create specialized objects. For example, Roman numerals would need to add a new symbol to raise the maximum value or adding a pictogram to a language to represent a new word. After universality, one need only customize or configure a universal object. For example, printing a different book on a movable type printing press, sending an email to someone new, or inventing a new word with the same alphabet.

    See also:


  • Computers Are Universal Objects

    Computers can be programmed to do anything a model of computation can express. You don’t need to buy a new computer to run Microsoft Word and buy another computer to run Slack. The jump to universality in computers opened up an infinite set of possibilities via software.

    See also:

    • Programming languages are also “universal objects” capable of representing any program if they are Turing complete. Even though they are just abstractions over a physical process that happens on a computer chip, abstractions are real.


  • Give Users a Way to Skip the Invite List

    A common pattern for launching products and companies is to start with an invite-only beta. There will be users that sign up that are a better fit or have a more burning need for your product. Giving them a way to skip the line can help you filter for the right kind of user and take advantage of their current attention. For example, “reply to this email if you need to do {important indicator of demand} right away and we’ll bump you up the list”.


  • The Poverty of Compromise

    When two people have competing ideas (let’s call them idea A and idea B), it’s common to compromise somewhere between idea A and idea B (let’s call that idea C). The problem is neither person thought idea C would work to begin with otherwise they would have argued for it. Worse, both sides will harbor some resentment that idea C doesn’t work. Compromise leads to the worst outcome—a third idea that doesn’t work and resentment from both people.

    See also:


  • Monetizing Innovation (Literary Notes)

    Literary notes from reading Monetizing Innovation.

    Product failure is rooted in failure to put the customer’s willingness to pay for a new product at the core of product design.

    There are four kinds of failures

    • Feature shocks are when there are too many features that don’t deliver a lot of value. They are nice to haves not gotta haves. The root is usually too much inside out thinking. Examples include the fire phone and the useless features like spatial 3D.
    • Minivations occur when the product is underpriced for the value it generates. This underestimation leads to what can look like a success, selling out and second hand markets, but they are actually a failure to capture the potential upside. Cost plus pricing can be comfortable, but does not consider total value to the customer. Examples include park assist that was marked up 4x by car companies.
    • A hidden gem is when you don’t know what you have until someone else does it. This usually occurs when there is lack of transparency (no one wants to risk new ideas) or when there is a large existing business (e.g. not our culture). Examples include Kodak who had the digital camera a decade before anyone else.
    • Undeads occur when a product is an answer to a question no body is asking or the wrong answer to the right question. For example Google glass or Segway.

    Having the willingness to pay talk.

    Discuss value, don’t need to say pay. There are five methods to help drive the discussion:

    • Direct questions: what do you think is an acceptable price? What would be too expensive?
    • Purchase probability questions: show the product concept and price and ask on a scale from 1 to 5 how would you rate. If 3 or less lower the price and ask again.
    • Most/least questions: show a set of ten features then groups of six and ask what is most valuable what is least valuable? Repeat until you exhaust combinations.
    • Build your own questions: give customers a feature list and ask them to build their ideal product. Adding features increases the cost so they need to make tradeoff.
    • Purchase simulation: show a product with a specific set of features and a price. Ask if they would buy it and look for their reactions. Show 5-8 combinations. This helps estimate the value and willingness to pay for each feature.

    Remember to ask why. Look at distributions not averages.


    • Segments should break down the market into different groups on which you can act differently
    • Pressure test your findings—are there features one segment wants strongly that the others do not? Can salespeople sort their clients into the segments you came up with?

    Product configuration Based on the segments and willingness to pay, configure different configurations to match based on what they value.

    You must have the guts to take features away. You must resist giving away value added features to please customers.

    Limit the number of offerings to a small number otherwise it’s overwhelming to customers who now need to choose. This also makes each offering more distinct and less likely to cannibalize sales.

    Each offering should have less than 9 benefits or 4 bundled products to avoid cognitive overload.

    Leaders, fillers, and killers Go through your benefits and features and classify them by segment and by designation of value

    • Leaders drive customers to buy
    • Fillers are of moderate importance or nice to haves
    • Killers are feature that will kill the deal if customers are forced to pay for them (these are usually of little importance except a select few who find value in them)

    Good, better, best This is the most common (dropbox style) and it helps sell people on the middle offering because people avoid extremes. Sales people can switch between the better and best offering depending on whether the customer is more price conscious or quality oriented.

    If 50% of your customers buy the entry level you are giving too much away.


  • The Ringelmann Effect Shows Groups Become Less Productive as They Grow

    An inverse relationship exists between group size and productivity which shows that group effort does not necessarily lead to increased effort from the group members.

    In an experiment, a group was asked to pull a rope. As more people were added, the average performance significantly decreased. This seems to show that each participant felt their own efforts were not critical and further studies showed that motivational losses were largely to blame for an individual’s decline in performance.

    See also:

    • Baumol’s cost disease is similar in that salaries can rise without any material gain in productivity simply salaries of other roles went up.
    • Larger informal groups can have other negative consequences such as opaque decision making and lack of accountability.
