• Project Hail Mary

    A novel by Andy Weir. Links to this note Frequency Range of Hearing Is Probably the Same in the Universe

  • A Hundred Things to Organize

    Whenever there are a hundred things or more in a process someone is doing, there is a recognition that “there must be a better way”.

  • Squash Migrations Using Alembic and Postgres

    Over time, a Python project accumulates many migrations using alembic. This can slow down tests (you need to run all migrations every time you create a test DB) and it’s very unlikely you will ever rollback past a certain point in time.

  • Illusion of Explanatory Depth

    People feel they understand things better than they actually do. This leads to biases and poor decision-making because of overconfidence in their knowledge.

  • AI for Notes

    Now that my Zettelkasten has over a thousand notes, I’d like to try to quite literally create the experience of a conversation with my second brain.