“Mañana, a lovely word and one that probably means heaven.
How to Solve It
The aptly titled “How to solve it”, is a book of strategies for solving problems with uncertainty.
Autofocus Doesn’t Work on IOS
On Mobile Safari, text inputs can not be autofocus by design.
Dokku on Aws
I’m setting up dokku as a personal infrastructure PaaS for running services like the personal indexing service.
Don't Try to Sell Doctors to Healthy People
Sales is difficult enough, but selling a good solution to the wrong people makes it worse.
Limitations of IOS Shortcuts
Shortcuts add a scripting layer on top of iOS (and macOS but I don’t use that) that can be executed across any app or screen.
The Mundaneum Was a Paper Internet
In 1895, Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine built a paper internet with 18MM index cards affectionately referred to as the Mundaneum.
The Minority Rule
Soft drinks in the US are all kosher. It’s not because the US population keeps kosher but because the majority don’t have a strong preference and a minority are absolutely adherent.
Coming Back to Rust After 4 Years
I recently picked up rust for a personal infrastructure project and was amazed at the amount of progress on the language and tooling over the years.
What Goes on the Billboard?
An exercise I learned about from Jeff Weinstein about finding a north star metric goes something like this.
Personal Indexing Service
As much as I love my emacs setup, I can’t take my laptop with me everywhere and that is my biggest compliant.
Founder Mode
Paul Graham’s essay on founder-mode vs manager-mode is about how the advice to “hire good people and give them room to do their jobs” doesn’t work well for founders in practice.
Data Is Centrifugal
The predominant system for managing data today pushes it far away from the people it represents.
Thinking in Systems - Literature Notes
Systems react to external events but behavior is entirely dependent on the internal workings of the system.
What Would This Look Like if It Were Easy?
A question that Tim Ferriss uses to think about problems in different ways is to ask, “What would this look like if it were easy?
Alternatives to LangChain
I’m looking into alternatives for LangChain. Maintaining a few small apps that use langchain has been difficult with all of the breaking changes, CVEs, deprecations, and new packages your expected to keep up with.
Obstinance Is a Boat Whose Rudders Can't Be Turned
I really like the way Paul Graham characterizes the difference between persistence and obstinance in his essay The Right Kind of Stubborn.
Creative People Are More Associative in Their Thinking
From a recent survey paper about associative thinking, the authors found that more creative people generate a broader set of associations compared to less creative people and tend to perceive distant associations as closer together.
Associative Thinking
One explanation for how creativity works is by a process called associative thinking.
Mentioning AI Decreases Purchase Intent
A recent study measuring the effect of including the term “artificial intelligence” in the description of products and services decreases overall purchase intent.
Incompetent Management Kind of Works
The essay Advantages of incompetent management by Yossi Kreinin, discusses how competent management isn’t always best and we overlook the desirable effects of incompetent management.
VirtioFS Cuts Vite Reload Speed in Half
I use a docker container to build a fairly large hugo static website and vite to build some javascript.
Remove Low-Velocity Work to Improve Overall Velocity
In Double your productivity without more work or stress, the author makes the argument that the way to increase overall velocity is to decrease the amount of low-velocity periods of work.
The Stock Market Is More Volatile Than the Businesses Listed
The annual percentage changes of the stock market go up and down more than the actual businesses in it.