• Mañana

    “Mañana, a lovely word and one that probably means heaven.

  • How to Solve It

    The aptly titled “How to solve it”, is a book of strategies for solving problems with uncertainty.

  • Dokku on Aws

    I’m setting up dokku as a personal infrastructure PaaS for running services like the personal indexing service.

  • Limitations of IOS Shortcuts

    Shortcuts add a scripting layer on top of iOS (and macOS but I don’t use that) that can be executed across any app or screen.

  • The Minority Rule

    Soft drinks in the US are all kosher. It’s not because the US population keeps kosher but because the majority don’t have a strong preference and a minority are absolutely adherent.

  • Coming Back to Rust After 4 Years

    I recently picked up rust for a personal infrastructure project and was amazed at the amount of progress on the language and tooling over the years.

  • Personal Indexing Service

    As much as I love my emacs setup, I can’t take my laptop with me everywhere and that is my biggest compliant.

  • Founder Mode

    Paul Graham’s essay on founder-mode vs manager-mode is about how the advice to “hire good people and give them room to do their jobs” doesn’t work well for founders in practice.

  • Data Is Centrifugal

    The predominant system for managing data today pushes it far away from the people it represents.

  • Alternatives to LangChain

    I’m looking into alternatives for LangChain. Maintaining a few small apps that use langchain has been difficult with all of the breaking changes, CVEs, deprecations, and new packages your expected to keep up with.

  • Creative People Are More Associative in Their Thinking

    From a recent survey paper about associative thinking, the authors found that more creative people generate a broader set of associations compared to less creative people and tend to perceive distant associations as closer together.

  • Mentioning AI Decreases Purchase Intent

    A recent study measuring the effect of including the term “artificial intelligence” in the description of products and services decreases overall purchase intent.

  • Incompetent Management Kind of Works

    The essay Advantages of incompetent management by Yossi Kreinin, discusses how competent management isn’t always best and we overlook the desirable effects of incompetent management.