It Is Easier to Confirm Something Is True Than to Recall Past Events
When asking questions about things that happened in the past, it is significantly easier for someone to confirm whether something is true or not rather than retracing a series of past events.
The Economics of Superstars
There are two common elements of economic superstars. First, there is a close connection between personal reward and size of the market.
Dogs Can Distinguish Between Intentional and Unintentional Actions by Humans
A study published in Nature found that dogs can tell the difference when a human makes an intentional action versus an unintentional one.
Use the Product
Improving product quality requires consistent and ongoing attention. You will simply miss all of the details that contribute to low product quality if you don’t use your product every day.
89 Percent of Employees Said They Experienced Occupational Burnout in the Past Year
A survey by Visier found that 89% of employees experienced burnout in the past year.
The Elephant Graph Shows Globalization Was Great for Everyone but the Middle Class
The Growth incidence curve from 1988 to 2008, also known as the Elephant Graph, shows the income growth by percentile of global income distribution.
Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Are 74% Adults 65 or Older
CDC data shows that 74 percent of breakthrough COVID-19 cases are among adults 65 or older and make up the vast majority of vaccinated people that are hospitalized.
The Man in the Arena
A speech by Theodore Roosevelt in Paris 1910 that railed against cynics who looked down on those attempting to do great things.
Breaking the Bonds on Me Is Going to Liberate Everyone Else
A distinctly American idea is that liberating oneself will result in the liberation of everyone else.
Emotional Intelligence Is More Important for Entreprenuerial Success Than General Mental Ability
A recent meta-analysis study compared the impact of general mental ability and emotional intelligence in entrepreneurial settings and found that emotional intelligence was twice as important for explaining success.
Using a Language Server in a Docker Container
Projects that use docker for local development run into a problem when trying to use language servers with their text editor—they don’t handle multiple environments.
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note List of Studies About Long COVID
Half of COVID-19 Survivors Had Lingering Symptoms After 1 Year
A study in China of COVID-19 survivors (median age 59) who were hospitalized found that half had a persisting symptom one year later—Long COVID.
Cost Rica Enacted a Law to Attract Digital Nomads
The new law turns enables a tourist visa for up to one year with proof of stable income and medical insurance.
Refresh Token Rotation Detects Token Theft
When using refresh tokens to enable clients to get new access tokens one danger is that the longer-lived refresh token can be stolen and used to grant access to your application by an attacker.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Refresh Token Rotation Detects Token Theft
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note How Refresh Tokens Work
Block Old Browsers if You Use SameSite Cookies to Prevent CSRF
One way to mitigate CSRF attacks is to only allow cookies to be forwarded along with a request if they are from the same site, SameSite=Lax or SameSite=Strict.
Dyatlov Pass Incident Was Caused by an Avalanche
When nine hikers were found dead under unknown circumstances on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl, many conspiracy theories sprouted up.
The Internet Is a Disjointed Memex
The memex device imagined a lattice of information that grows and can be built on top of incrementally.
A List of Tasks Describes Multi-Party Processes Poorly
A list of tasks to complete does not contain sufficient information to describe a multi-party process.
36% of Remote Workers Are Waiting to Hear From Employers if They Must Return to the Office
In a survey conducted by LinkedIn in July 2021, they found that 36% of people currently working remotely are still waiting to hear from their employers about whether or not they will be required to return to the office.
The Hu Line Demarcates 94% of China's Population
94% of China’s population lives to the east of the Hu Line.
Protecting the North China Plain Explains Policies in China
Protecting the North China Plain is the highest priority in China’s policies both domestic and foreign.