The Guide to Starting a Remote Company
I recently wrote and published the Stripe Atlas Guide to Starting a Remote Company.
Many Startups Will Run Out of Cash Starting End of 2023
In Startup Decoupling & Reckoning by Elad Gil, the author lays out the situation many mid-to-late stage startups will be in starting at the end of 2023.
How to Be a Good Product Engineer
Companies don’t really want frontend engineers or backend engineers or infrastructure engineers.
Substituted Acceptance for Self-Hate
There’s a push in conservative politics to make it illegal to be trans or dress in drag.
Taravangian Intelligence Test
On one very special day, Taravangian was the smartest person in the world.
Puffery Doctrine
It’s fairly common for companies to make sweeping claims in the course of day-to-day business.
One of One Software
I would guess that a significant amount of software is written for one person and we should celebrate it more.
Format Code Like Prose
Writing code is also writing for other people. We use many conventions in written communication to help with readability.
How Much to Pay Yourself as an Early-Stage Founder
This question comes up a lot from founders starting a company and raising a seed round—how much should you pay yourself?
Remote Work Is Now a Union Negotiation Item
New York City’s largest union, District Council 37, is in the midst of negotiating a five-year deal that includes, among other things, protections for remote work.
State Agencies Are Eventually Consistent
It always seems to take awhile to get resolve an issue with a state agency.
The Taste Gap
What gets you into a creative field is having really good taste.
You Don't Know There Is a Compliance Problem Until After It's a Problem
One of the many challenges of staying compliant is that the feedback loop can be incredibly slow.
Physical Mail Is Essential to Staying Compliant
Sometimes the only way to know there is a problem is by receiving a letter in the mail from a state agency.
Manhattan Workers Are Spending $12.4 Billion Less Than Last Year
A recent study found that workers in Manhattan are spending $12.
There Is No Software Maintenance
In There Is No Software Maintenance by Henrik Warne, the author argues that software maintenance is just product development.
CEO Lifespans Decrease 1.5 Years in a Downturn and They Look Older
In a paper CEO Stress, Aging, and Death, the authors studied the effects of managerial stress on lifespan and visible signs of aging.
Attractive Students Receive Better Grades
A study that looked into the effects of remote learning on grades found that attractive students, both male and female, received better grades during in-person education than remote due to COVID-19.
Paying Taxes Is Like Investing in an Index Fund of State Sponsored Causes
Many people (myself include) bemoan paying taxes. You might not agree with the lawmakers and policies for spending tax dollars but it does help people.
Americans Expect to Need $1.25 Million to Retire
A recent study from Northwestern Mutual found that Americans expect to need $1.
Favor Full Time Employees Over Part Time Contractors
In the early days of a startup, hiring the early team is one of the biggest challenges.
Migrating From Docker Desktop to Colima on an M1 MacBook
These days colima is a viable alternative to Docker Desktop on M1 Apple silicon.
Managerial Capitalism Decouples Ownership and Control
The classic model of capitalism (bourgeois capitalism), in which the proprietor of the business fully owns and controls the business, was replaced by managerial capitalism where managers, despite owning small amounts of the company, exhibits full control over the business.
How to Write Software Fast
There is a noticeable difference between the speed of the most productive software engineers I’ve worked with and the slowest.