• Decoupling Work and Place

    One of the silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic is that work and place are decoupling is increasing the radius of economic opportunity.

  • ChatGPT Lowers Barriers to Building Small Projects

    After using it for a few coding projects recently, I find that ChatGPT is a great way to lower the barriers to building smaller, self-contained projects—things that have been hiding in your to do list that take a bit too much effort to attempt but is still a good idea.

  • Edelman Trust Barometer

    A global survey that attempts to measure the extent to which people trust or distrust institutions in their country and in other countries.

  • Remote Work Permanence

    It’s becoming clear that remote work isn’t going anywhere. A large portion of the workforce continues to work from home.

  • Product Debt

    Product debt is when promises made about functionality exceed what the product can actually do.