Products Are Promises
A products is not just collection of features, but a promise to solve a problem or enhance the customer’s life in some material way.
Proportional Decision Making
The energy spent making a decision should be proportional to the consequences.
Effective Atruism Considered Harmful
While well intentioned, a utilitarian approach to maximizing expected value of the greater good (or minimizing suffering) has unintended side effects.
Knowledge Collapse
Knowledge collapse is the paradox where increasing access to certain types of knowledge actually harms understanding.
Business Strategy Is an Explanation of How to Win
Business strategy should concisely answer who the most import customers are, how to attract them, and what the entire company must work towards to win that market.
Big Orange Cones in Manhattan
The big orange cones with steam coming out of them in Manhattan are from the leaking network of steam pipes that heat commercial buildings.
Wood Wide Web
A theory of how plants cooperate comes from research of how fungus connects tree roots together into common mycorrhizal networks (CMN).
Double Buffering
In a two party system you never want both party A and party B buffering at the same time because it creates artificial delays in the system.
Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP)
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Running a Startup During a Recession
What Founders Should Know About Interest Rates
Between 2008 and 2021, the market was operating under zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP).
One Question Survey
I received a one question feature survey from Screen Studio and I thought it was the best survey I have ever received.
Learned Helplessness
When employees lose their sense of agency they start to look outwardly as the source of their problems and solutions.
The Six Foot Man in the Stream That Was Five Feet on Average
The parable of the six foot man who drowned in the stream that was five feet on average is a reminder to plan for the possibility of low ends when building a portfolio.
You Can't Convince People if It Comes From a Place of Contempt
Contempt undermines any rational argument you might make to convince another person of anything.
One Pull Request per Day
Productive engineers should write one pull request per day. One pull request per day creates forward momentum.
Interest Enables Transactions Across Time
Interest rates are a technology that allows people to transact across time.
Goodhart's Law
Anthropologist Marilyn Strathern summarized Goodhart’s law most succinctly saying, “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.
Interest Rates Are the Price of Time
Author Edward Chancellor neatly summarizes why interest rates are so important, “Interest rates are the price of time.
Mimas Has a Subsurface Ocean
Astronomers found that Mimas has an ocean underneath it’s surface by observing and modeling it’s orbit.
IQ Loss From COVID-19 Infection
A study of over 100,000 people in England found that found that cognitive deficits from COVID-19 infection (memory, reasoning and executive function) were similar between those whose symptoms resolved in less than 4 weeks and 12 weeks but were larger in those who had unresolved persistent symptoms (long COVID).
AI Bubble
In Money AI Bubble, the author argues that the market is in an AI bubble.
His Music Would Come Out Like a Sneeze
I watched an interview with Susan Rogers, sound engineer for Prince, and she described Prince’s prolific production process.
The Shirky Principle
Institutions end up perpetuating the problems they aim to resolve, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Time to First Million ARR
One way to measure product market fit is to look at the time it takes between putting a product out in the market to the first $1MM in ARR.