Containing Multitudes on the Internet
The internet is a place of digital abundance with zero friction to publishing.
A Strange Loop Gives Rise to Human Selfhood
A strange loop is a combination of traits that creates the condition for selfhood.
Project Hail Mary
A novel by Andy Weir. Links to this note Frequency Range of Hearing Is Probably the Same in the Universe
Office Occupancy Stagnated in 2022
According to Kastle, office occupancy stagnated after a concerted push of return-to-office plans by many businesses.
Language Is an Extension of Our Bodies
When we use language to communicate with each other, other bodies become an extension of ourselves.
A Hundred Things to Organize
Whenever there are a hundred things or more in a process someone is doing, there is a recognition that “there must be a better way”.
Tools for Thought Are Necessarily Monolithic
I read Unbundling Tools for Thought and I find myself agreeing and disagreeing.
§ What I Learned 2022
Outline for my annual essay about things I learned and reflections for the year.
Delegation Not Abdication
A common mistake for early managers is to delegate work ineffectively.
Squash Migrations Using Alembic and Postgres
Over time, a Python project accumulates many migrations using alembic. This can slow down tests (you need to run all migrations every time you create a test DB) and it’s very unlikely you will ever rollback past a certain point in time.
How to Ramp Up a Software Engineer
To get a new software engineer up to speed quickly, several things must already be in place.
Illusion of Explanatory Depth
People feel they understand things better than they actually do. This leads to biases and poor decision-making because of overconfidence in their knowledge.
AI for Notes
Now that my Zettelkasten has over a thousand notes, I’d like to try to quite literally create the experience of a conversation with my second brain.
When to Outsource Work
Not all work is outsourceable but tasks that are can help a business scale and save money.
When Things Are Intensely Themselves
There is trust in the world when things are intensely themselves.
Choosing the Best SEO Strategy
Which of the three kinds of SEO works best depends on the business, but these days editorial content performs the best.
Imitating High-Status People Doesn't Work
People tend to closely emulate individuals of high-status but the counter signaling they pick up on doesn’t work unless you are already high-status.
The Radius of Economic Opportunity Is Limited
The economic benefit of increased wages is highly localized. 8 in 10 people live within 100 miles of where they grew up and disadvantaged groups are less likely to move for higher wages.
8 in 10 People Live Within 100 Miles of Where They Grew Up
Where you live and work is highly dependent on where you grew up.
Truth-Tellers, Liars, and Bullshitters
Truth-tellers need to know the truth so they can say it.
How to Do Keyword Research
This is a work in progress about how to do initial keyword research for SEO.
Consistency Is Potency
The more consistent something is, the more potent it becomes. It might sound boring to say the same things over and over again, but it leads to better results.
AI Puts a Higher Premium on Unique Knowledge
AI augmented tools for creative processes like writing (ChatGPT) and drawing (StableDiffusion, DALL-E-2) establish a new baseline for content.
Less Time, More Time
There are many things I want to spend less time doing and many things I want to spend more time doing.