Three Kinds of SEO
There are three kinds of SEO: technical, programmatic, and editorial. Technical SEO is about setting up the right infrastructure for pages including page speed, internal link architecture, redirects, and so on.
Stutz (Literary Notes)
Stutz is a documentary that is ostensibly about therapy, but is really about the endearing relationship between Jonah Hill and his therapist.
When to Do SEO
Before investing in SEO, evaluate whether or not it has the potential to have a large impact on your business.
How to Do SEO
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note Three Kinds of SEO
What Does Customer Success Do at a Startup?
At an early-stage B2B SaaS startup, customer success has one responsibility: make sure customers don’t churn.
The Line Between Micro Management and Leadership
When things are going poorly, a natural response is for managers to get closer to the details.
Turn Every Weakness Into a Strength
When building products, we’re constantly aware of how imperfect the things we build are.
Accrued Vacation Policies Are Better Than Unlimited PTO
The problem with unlimited vacation days is that it creates a bimodal distribution of usage—some employees take too little time off and some employees take way too much time off.
Time Saved Using Keyboard Shortcuts
I use Alfred to switch between applications using keyboard shortcuts. On average, I use Alfred 127 times per day, mostly to use keyboard shortcuts.
Areas of Responsibility List
An AOR list (areas of responsibility) prevents a tragedy of the commons at your company.
Use Impeccable Agreements for Better Productivity and Morale
Impeccable agreements create accountability and motivation. This improves productivity and morale for high-performing teams.
Typing Fast Is Thinking With Your Hands
Knowledge work is often limited by time spent thinking versus doing, but typing fast helps you think faster.
Why All My Business Writing Is in LaTeX
In my day-to-day business dealings, people are surprised when they receive LaTeX-generated documents for business proposals, memos, etc.
Hope Is Fear in Disguise
It’s obvious that living life without fear is a good thing, but what about life without hope?
Knowledge Capture Loops Make for Good Systems
Real world systems for operating a complicated process don’t start out perfectly designed complete systems.
The Default Strategy for Dependencies Should Be to Not Add More
Adding new dependencies to a codebase is a net positive until it’s not.
Customer Success Overcomes Technical Hurdles
As much as product builders want to be self-serve and low-touch, there will always be limitations and improvements to make.
The Great Nothing
There is a patch of the cosmos which is 300 million light years across with significantly fewer galaxies.
Fear Is Bad Advice
Being afraid of something can cause us to make the exact wrong decision because fear is bad advice.
The Great CEO Within
A self-coaching book about coaching Matt Mochary. Links to this note Areas of Responsibility List
Separate the Triage Room From the Waiting Room
Hospitals separate the triage room from the waiting room otherwise you would have patients with time-sensitive medical issues waiting and dying.
Schedule Time Every Day to Work on Your Top Goal
It’s easy to get swept away by requests from other people and other demands on your time.
The Downside of First-Principles Thinking
The problem with first-principles thinking is that you don’t know what you don’t know.
Every Paragraph Should Have a BLUF
The first sentence of every paragraph should be a BLUF. Readers can see the point right away without having to read through the entire paragraph.