Personal Infrastructure
It’s useful to think about the underlying utilities that go into running one’s life and business with the same rigor used to build something significant.
Org-Ai Is Chat for Notes
I started building AI for notes to help me chat with my library of notes.
Org-Ai Emacs Integration
I built org-ai using Python which exposes an AI chat interface through a simple CLI.
Org-Mode Count the Number of Headings in a Region
Sometimes I want to see how many headings are in an org-mode file I’m working in.
Internet Speed and NordLayer
I tested my internet connection with and without NordLayer VPN to compare speed using Cloudflare’s new tool.
Sink That First Stake
Physically making progress on a project makes it much harder to undo due to loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy.
76% Percent Will Quit if Flexible Work Goes Away
A survey by Greenhouse found that 76% of workers would look for another job if their company rolled back flexible work policies.
When I First Started Programming
When I first started programming, I thought everyone else was better than me at coding.
How Long Does It Take to See SEO Results?
It takes four to six months to start seeing any results from SEO work.
Multiple Google Account Calendars With Combined Availability
When you have multiple Google workspace accounts with calendars, it makes scheduling difficult (e.
Knowledge Decay for Managers
All working knowledge has a decay curve of usefulness. If you rely on having up-to-date, deep technical knowledge as a manager, you will eventually lose the thing that makes you effective.
The Personhood of Self-Driving Cars
Personhood of self-driving cars and autonomouse vehicles might matter much more than we expect for everyone’s safety.
Holding Two Seemingly Contradictory Ideas in One's Head
There is tremendous power in being able to simultaneously hold two ideas in one’s head that appear to be in opposition.
Science Is True Even if You Don't Believe in It
The beauty of science is that it’s true even if you don’t believe in it.
LLM Web Browsing
By combining headless browser automation tools with LLMs, you can create an agent that can navigate to websites.
Thinking in Scenarios Simplifies Scoping
When scoping out and planning work, an easy way to get a comprehensive understanding of everything that needs to happen is to enumerate every scenario.
Skepticism and Optimism in Markets
When it comes to markets, skepticism is warranted when optimism is excessive and optimism is warranted when skepticism is excessive.
The Pareto Principle and Chatbots
Support cases at many businesses follow the Pareto principle. For example, DoorDash and Uber 87% of support requests relate to 16 issues.
Reduce Damage of Shipping a Bike by Pretending It's a TV
When Vanmoof started shipping bikes to the US, they experienced a high number of returns because the bike arrived damaged, despite there being warnings on the box to be careful.
Zapier NLA Is Bad at Generating API Parameters
I tried out Zapier Natural Language Actions API and found that it’s not particularly good for the one thing I needed it to be good at glueing together other APIs with natural language.
Compounding Is Unintuitive Because the Initial Curve Feels Flat
I’ve always wondered why the nature of compounding and any exponential relationship feels unintuitive.
Zoom Note Taker Bots Are Disruptive
Several products these days have an AI bot that will join your Zoom call and take notes.
What's So Great About Michelangelo's David
I am by no means an art buff but this is my explanation about what is so moving about Michelangelo’s David 500 years after it was made.
How to Do Great Work (Literature Notes)
I read How to do great work by Paul Graham. It’s a collection of advice I’ve heard from various places.