• Programmatic SEO Is a Numbers Game

    Being able to programmatically generate content for search engine optimization is only useful if you have a lot of keywords you can target (thousands) and pages you can generate to rank for them.

    For example, Zapier found that they could target long-tail of search engine keywords in the pattern of “{software 1} {software 2} integration”. This is tightly linked to their product which is important so they can convert visitors searching for it. It also means they can a high volume of clicks from each page. Let’s say they have 100 integrations, that means they can generate ~10,000 pages (each combination) and, if each page generates 100 clicks per month, that’s 1,000,000 clicks.

    When choosing the best SEO strategy, you can do a Fermi estimate to figure out if your business is going to get enough clicks to make it worth investing in programmatic SEO.

    See also:

  • How to Track Two Timezones on a Watch With a Dive Bezel

    You can use a watch with a dive bezel to track two timezones at onces without a GMT hand. This works because dive bezels typically have markers for every 5 minutes and, since time is base 12, you can calculate the second timezone with simple division.

    How does it work?

    Turn the dive bezel so that the nib is on the timezone offset hour marker. For example, if you are on Pacific time and you also want to track Eastern time, rotate the bezel so the nib so is on the 3 o’clock marker.

    To read the time in the second timezone, look at the hour hand to find the hour marker (as usual), find the corresponding minute located on the dive bezel, then divide by 5. Read the minutes as normal and you have the hour and minutes of the second timezone!

  • How to Take Smart Notes (Literature Notes)

    A book by SΓΆnke Ahrens about taking notes to improve productivity and writing which is incredibly convincing but extremely impractical in describing what to actually do.

    Writing smart notes explains a system for note taking using the following process:

    1. Read and then rewrite the interesting parts of what you read as short literature notes (not quotes, highlights, or margin scribbling)
    2. Write down ideas and short notes as fleeting notes and review them within a day (keep project notes separate)
    3. Review and turn the literature notes and fleeting notes into permanent notes
      • Permanent notes should not be a reminder of the thoughts or ideas but the actual thing written down
      • The goal of a permanent not is to maximize the utility within your slip-box (the collection of other permanent notes)β€”doing this forces you to think about it in relation to other notes which further increases understanding and leads to new ideas or questions
    4. Use the act of writing permanent notes to find interesting new questions to answer and to source material for writing new works

    While it may sound like a lot, making a habit of writing permanent notes adds up. Luhmann’s slip-box contained 90,000 notes but that’s only six notes a day from when he started until the day he died.

    See also:

  • Don't Step Into Someone Else's Frame

    When negotiating, it’s important to control the frame in which the conversation is happening. The frame constrains what kinds of ideas can be explored and the rules that govern evaluating them. When you step into someone else’s frame in a negotiation, you become bound to the constraints they set.

    For example, in a sales call, you might be speaking with a customer about pricing. They might ask why you are charging per employee and what the value is. By responding directly to this question, you inadvertently accept it’s frame (incremental value per employee) and the ideas you share to justify value now need to fit within that frame or it won’t make sense.

    In the example situation, if you feel like your position is weaker in that frame, it would be better to pop up a level and establish a new frame that plays to your strengths. “Pricing this way enables us to provide $THING_THEY_WANT for a fraction of the cost of $ALTERNATIVE”.

    See also:

  • Personal Infrastructure

    It’s useful to think about the underlying utilities that go into running one’s life and business with the same rigor used to build something significant. Afterall, the things we rely on every day can have an outsized impact on our own performance so why not treat it that way?

    What’s important

    If we are going to intentionally design personal infrastructure, we should be clear what it’s all for. For me, personal infrastructure is in service of a few top level priorities.

    • Notes Creating bits of knowledge for myself through writing, journaling, and publishing.
    • Work Building a business, focusing on the most important goals, recalling and sharing information, and solving problems.
    • Personal Taking care of myself and my family, organizing projects, not forgetting something important.


    Next, a set of principles to help guide choices and make it more obvious what the to priorities should be.

    Below are the list of principles I keep in mind.


    Tools and systems should be as accretive as possible. Improvements to one area should improve many things at once. Everything should work coherently as a whole.

    • Emacs and org-mode is the central interface to all information and systems
    • Graft it together with reusable building materials (elisp)
    • Either everything is run in Emacs or everything can be run in the browser (including emacs)
    • Specialized OS tools notwithstanding (VPN, Screen caps, password manager, AV, etc.)


    • Run everything locally with few exceptions
    • I should be able to take the entire setup onto any machine within a day
    • It should be possible to get work done without an internet connection
    • It needs to work on mobile, with a form factor that makes sense (e.g. ssh’ing from a phone might work but doesn’t fit)


    Favor building in the open and using materials that are inspectable, changeable, and long lasting.

    • Whatever I build does not intend to be commercialized
    • Share knowledge with others by making it open-source to those who might try to solve similar problems


    Security and privacy needs to be designed in. Sensitive information is constantly being created and sharedβ€”I want to be a good steward of that.

    • Endpoint security controls with good defaults and practical
    • Use a password manager and make it easy to use everywhere (1Password is still the go to)
    • Privacy controls built into what information goes where

    One of one

    Built specifically for me and my workflows without consideration another user of the system.

    • Favor application building over library building
    • Optimize convenience in maintaining and running tools

    What should I build?

    Finally, with a more clear understanding what it’s all for and the principles behind it, what should I actually build?

  • Org-Mode Count the Number of Headings in a Region

    Sometimes I want to see how many headings are in an org-mode file I’m working in. For example, I like to know the number of items I have to refile.

    This function will count the headings in a marked region:

    (defun count-headings-in-region (start end)
      "Count the number of level 1 headings in the region."
      (interactive "r")
          (narrow-to-region start end)
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (let ((count 0))
            (while (re-search-forward "^\\* " nil t)
              (setq count (1+ count)))
            (message "Number of level 1 headings: %d" count)))))

    This code was generated using ChatGPT with Emacs.

  • Internet Speed and NordLayer

    I tested my internet connection with and without NordLayer VPN to compare speed using Cloudflare’s new tool. Here are the results.

    NordLayer Home
    Download 40.7 Mbps 80.5 Mbps
    Upload 13.4 Mbps 16.6 Mbps
    Latency 89.1 ms 21.1 ms
    Jitter 4.41 ms 3.33 ms
    Packet Loss 0% 0%
    Video Streaming Average Average
    Online Gaming Average Poor
    Video Chatting Good Average

    There’s quite a large drop in download speed and increase in latency when using the VPN which is to be expected.

  • Sink That First Stake

    Physically making progress on a project makes it much harder to undo due to loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy.

    In The Power Broker, we see an example where Robert Moses learns that by intentionally underfunding a large scale project to make it easy to pass but taking the first steps to physically build it, officials had no choice but to continue to support it financially. Officials facing elections would need to stand before the electorate and undo what was already done (not just on paper) and therefore take an unfavorable position that could cause them to lose their place. Essentially this would force officials to go against building parks which would be hugely unpopular.

    Once you sink that first stake they’ll never make you pull it back up.

    See also:

  • Multiple Google Account Calendars With Combined Availability

    When you have multiple Google workspace accounts with calendars, it makes scheduling difficult (e.g. an external account and an internal working account). Others can’t see your overall availability without knowing to check both calendars. Tools that don’t support multiple account calendars for one person (like Ashby) will end up scheduling conflicts.

    How do you fix that?

    The easiest way I’ve found is to sign up for a free account from Reclaim AI. There you can sync multiple calendars into one so that anyone looking at your main calendar can see the aggregate of all the calendars.

    Now you can still have multiple accounts and calendars for different purposes (I have a sales account and a internal account) without disrupting others or scheduling conflicts.

    See also:

  • Knowledge Decay for Managers

    All working knowledge has a decay curve of usefulness. If you rely on having up-to-date, deep technical knowledge as a manager, you will eventually lose the thing that makes you effective. From personal experience, this happens after 6 to 12 months from when your primary activity becomes managing people.

    This is especially bad for managers that try to make technical decisions themselvesβ€”it works until it doesn’t. The results can be truly bad when the manager doesn’t know they are far out on the decay curve.

    What can you do about it?

    For managers, it’s a lesson in delegation and leadership. Support others with the right depth of technical knowledge to drive the decision and manage through them. Stay involved but moreso to apply good judgementβ€”delegation not abdication. It’s possible to stay close to the details but try not to fool yourself into thinking it is at the same level of proficiency.

  • The Personhood of Self-Driving Cars

    Personhood of self-driving cars and autonomouse vehicles might matter much more than we expect for everyone’s safety. By treating them as soulless objects, people are making roads more dangerous.

    The other day I was in a dangerous situation. At an intersection I was about to walk through, a Cruise autonomous vehicle was waiting to turn right. A Tesla behind the Cruise got frustrated and went around it by going into the other lane, turning right and cutting off the Cruise. I was in the middle of the crosswalk and I got mad for the Cruise.

    I suspect the Tesla driver cut off the Cruise because it was an autonomous vehicle. The annoyance I had was due to the Tesla driver not respecting the personhood of the Cruise.

    Clearly this situation was more dangerous because of the interaction of a human and autonomous vehicle. This isn’t the only time this has happened and I’m sure we will see more examples.

    See also:

  • LLM Web Browsing

    By combining headless browser automation tools with LLMs, you can create an agent that can navigate to websites. This opens up all sorts of new capabilities like scraping and summarizing web content.

    What works well?

    • Going to a news website and extracting a list of articles
    • OpenAI gpt-4 works better than gpt-3 when using langchain to prompt to get headlines (e.g. asking for the top headlines on HackerNews gpt-3 fails without some hints about the HTML structure while gpt-4 works in one shot)

    What doesn’t work well?

    • Large web pages will hit the context limit for language models
    • Logging into a website doesn’t work because OpenAI will reject completion requests that contain sensitive data

    What else have others tried?