Time to Sign Benchmarks
According to a report by Common Paper of 1,000 businesses, commercial agreements take a median of 3 to 4 days to sign depending on the size of the company.
B2B Benchmarks
A collection of benchmarks for B2B businesses (mostly relevant for early-stage SaaS).
The Importance of Anecdotes for B2B Businesses
If you are running a B2B business, you need to pay attention to anecdotes more than data.
Why Product Engineering Always Feels Kind of Wrong
Something I’ve noticed about building products over the years is that it always feels like I’m doing it wrong.
Smart People Don't Like Taking Chances
Smart people don’t like taking chances because they are afraid of being wrong.
DNA Can Be Used for Pattern Recognition
In a recent paper, researchers were able to use the properties of DNA self-assembly to classify images.
Cognitive Slowing in People Diagnosed With Long Covid
A study of 270 patients diagnosed with Long COVID found that 53% of patients had response times that were 2 standard deviations slower than the control mean after controlling for age-related decline and comorbidities.
Every Infrastructure Decision I Endorse or Regret
Inspired by (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret, I thought it would be interesting to do the same for my startup.
The Needs Stack
The needs stack is a way of describing what a customer is trying to do when they are buying.
Emacs Completion Stack
There are many packages for completions in Emacs. I recently switched over from ido and helm to the MOVEC stack: Marginalia, Orderless, Vertico, Embark, Consult.
The Mistakes We Make the Second Time (Literature Notes)
I read The mistakes we make the second time by Harry Glaser.
How to Use Embark for Emacs
Embark for Emacs seems like a useful way to further customize Emacs actions (M-x).
Things I Use That Are 10+ Years Old
I was thinking the other day that there are few objects that I use somewhat regularly that are more than 10 years old.
How to Live an Asymmetric Life (Literature Notes)
In How to Live an Asymmetric Life, Graham Weaver talks about how to confront fear and get the most out of your life to a class of soon-to-be business school graduates.
Web Client for Postgres
There doesn’t seem to be a good web-based query editor for an Amazon RDS hosted postgres.
Theories of Consciousness
There are many theories put forth to explain human consciousness and experiments are running to test them.
Ways to Use AI With Emacs
I want to better utilize AI tools in my day-to-day work.
The Unknown God
An English physician once described radium as “the unknown god”. This was at a time where radiation and it’s effects were still being discovered.
Artificial Intelligence
This note does not have a description yet. Links to this note AI Is the next Great Interop Layer
Results Don't Matter
I was watching an interview with Kobe Bryant where he talks about his workouts and approach to basketball.
The Internet Is Not Prosthetic
The internet is not some other thing, separate from life, it is an abstraction that is very real.
Getting Started Is a Productivity Hack
The most reliable way to stop procrastinating is to get started.
You Can't Wake Up if You Don't Fall Asleep
Asteroid City, Wes Anderson’s latest movie, is a movie about a play where the plot never quite make sense.
Discovery Questions in Sales Calls Should Feel Consultative
I used to feel like asking a list of discovery questions to qualify a prospect during a call was awkward and not useful.