• AI Bubble

    In Money AI Bubble, the author argues that the market is in an AI bubble. Dumb money is pushing stock prices up despite any real improvement in their businesses, and this will eventually lead to losses. As the author contends, most of this is actually an Nvidia bubble.

    The AI bubble isn’t due to advancements in software but advancements in hardware. We are riding on the coattails of hardware (GPUs) which have real costs/materials/environmental impact. (I saw the connection from a comment on HN).

    The algorithms (software) are getting better, but the long pole is the training, the enormous storage, and compute needed to create LLMs. The amount of money, infrastructure, manufacturing, environmental impact etc., needed to build large-scale generative AI is staggering (and being gobbled up mostly by Nvidia). This also makes development prohibitive to only the largest and best funded companies (leading to a VC bubble?).

    Our understanding and explanations of intelligence are no closer to the knowledge needed to create the most useful applications of artificial intelligence (self-driving cars, scientific research). What if we didn’t get closer to AGI? What if we just found what’s possible with a particular kind of fast parallel computation made possible by years of advancement in hardware?

  • The Importance of Anecdotes for B2B Businesses

    If you are running a B2B business, you need to pay attention to anecdotes more than data.

    Companies tend to become data oriented about their customers as they get larger. It becomes unwieldy to think about individual cases so they are summarized into statistics and trends.

    This is a bad thing when a small number of customers are going to end up being the most valuable (which is the case for most B2B businesses). If, for example, you dismiss problems because “only a small number of users have it” you might miss an important insight from your best or, someday your best, customers.

    This is distinctly different from B2C businesses where users have less variance in their value to the company like a social network. Those businesses, necessarily need to think about the nominal user. However, applying similar techniques and adopting a similar approach to B2B products is deeply flawed.

    I borrowed some of these ideas from A Business State of Mind on the the Colossus podcast.

  • DNA Can Be Used for Pattern Recognition

    In a recent paper, researchers were able to use the properties of DNA self-assembly to classify images. First, they encoded an image into DNA tiles. Then they used self-assembly to generate the shape of a letter that corresponded to an input image. The image classification which was 80% accurate.

    Biophysical processes happen all the time in our body and seeing how something as simple as DNA can perform complex calculations is fascinating. In a weird way, it’s easier to understand how these systems work by transposing what we would typically think of as computer algorithms into biophysical processes.

    From Nature Vol 625.

    See also:

  • Every Infrastructure Decision I Endorse or Regret

    Inspired by (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret, I thought it would be interesting to do the same for my startup.


    Picking AWS

    🟩 Endorse

    There wasn’t really any discussion about this as it’s the default I’ve stuck with for the last decade. I’m sure there are things that GCP does better, but for an early-stage startup, I’d rather avoid anything exciting in this part of the stack. My only advice is to fully embrace as much of AWS as part of your stack, otherwise you will be spending a lot of time retrofitting and worrying about problems that don’t really exist (like having the optionality to change providers later).

    ECS + Fargate

    🟧 Weak Endorse

    Early on, we decided we didn’t want to manage servers. We don’t want the complexity of k8, and deploys should be immutable (as much as possible). The deploy pipeline is understandable (build image, upload, replace Fargate tasks). While it took some finagling to get it in place, we basically haven’t touched it since.


    🟩 Endorse

    We’re not at any kind of scale where the costs would matter compared to managing a Postgres server directly. At a previous startup, I had to build all of the tooling for backups and replication, and that was a poor use of time.


    🟩 Endorse

    I wish I would have given KMS a try sooner! It’s tightly integrated with IAM and makes secrets much easier to manage. It seems daunting at first, but once you have a runbook, it’s easy-ish to use.


    🟩 Endorse

    Using terraform from day 1 was a great idea. Configuration changes are checked into version control, which makes it transparent to everyone. Static analysis has made security audits easier, and automatic checks help us stay on top of security issues. It’s more likely that other engineers will make infra changes because the tooling is centralized and copy/paste-able.

    Software and SaaS


    🟧 Weak Regret

    I’m not naive enough to believe there is an actual alternative to Docker, but the amount of grief Docker causes in local development on MacOS is very high. For deployment artifacts, I think it’s fine, but this is a clear case of Worse is Better and I accept that.


    🟩 Strong Endorse

    Postgres is our primary DB and our early decision to centralize on this has paid off. At previous startups I stitched together multiple databases for different purposes thinking I was using the best tool for the job. This time around, we haven’t fallen into this well-known trap.

    GitHub Actions

    🟩 Endorse

    It works out of the box, and it’s easy for engineers to fiddle with and extend. I just wish configuring beefier test runners was more comprehensible.


    🟩 Endorse

    I’ve used Sentry at several companies now, and it’s pretty good as an early-stage error tracking, perf regression detector, and workflow for tracking runtime bugs. It takes some effort to dial in (associating errors to users, long stack traces), and there are some quirks (sampling, sometimes partial data from structured logs??).


    🟩 Endorse

    Starting with Slack alerts for most things is the easiest way to make sure you find issues before your customers tell you about them (if they tell you at all). We have several Slack bots to help with process and alerting. You can get pretty far with this setup without having a dedicated alerting/monitoring tool.


    🟩 Endorse

    I’m a huge proponent of writing things down, and for engineering in particular, documentation is the first step to automation. Most of our work is product engineering at this point, so having a culture of writing briefs and communicating asynchronously makes tools like Notion essential. It used to be slow, but thankfully, it’s getting better for business users.


    πŸŸ₯ Regret

    Almost all of my personal websites are static sites these days, and I mostly used Netlify to avoid setting up CloudFront (good lord, it’s complicated). Unfortunately, this has become a big thorn in our side because at this point, for security reasons, we use it as a glorified FTP. It’s the only part of our infra that is not in AWS, and only a few engineers have access to it. In hindsight, I probably would have put this in Terraform and CloudFront from the beginning.


    🟩 Strong Endorse

    It’s by far the best password manager I’ve used. Making sure all credentials are stored in 1Password from the beginning saved us a world of grief. There are decent admin tools for teams too.


    🟩 Endorse

    We use IAM for authentication anytime we are accessing infrastructure. The aws-vault CLI makes this very easy to set up. I just wish it integrated with touch ID or something else to make it less clunky.


    🟧 Endorse-ish

    I haven’t used other providers for SOC2 to compare Vanta to, but the experience can be difficult to know what you need to do. The automated tests for infra integrated with AWS are good, as are the offboarding workflows.

  • The Needs Stack

    The needs stack is a way of describing what a customer is trying to do when they are buying. There is always a hierarchy of needs the customer is trying to satisfy which businesses are competing to satisfy. For example, in using the Needs Stack for competitive strategy by A Smart Bear, the author talks about “buy infrastructure” vs “set up WordPress” and going up the stack to “get lucrative speaking gigs around the world”.

    Buying a thing is a means to some end. If you know the target customer well, you can use this to find the right level of the needs stack to obviate competitors and better communicate value to the potential customers.

  • Emacs Completion Stack

    There are many packages for completions in Emacs. I recently switched over from ido and helm to the MOVEC stack: Marginalia, Orderless, Vertico, Embark, Consult.

    What do these packages do?

    • Marginalia appends additional information to completion results (e.g. adds file size to find-file results)
    • Orderless enables fuzzy-ish search
    • Vertico renders completions (vertically as the name implies) with some additional utilities for managing history, displaying the number of results, and more
    • Embark is a whole other thing that applies actions to completion results (see how to use embark for emacs)
    • Consult is the main framework around the built-in Emacs completing-read API with default wrappers around built-in Emacs commands like finding a file, switching or killing a buffer, etc.

  • How to Use Embark for Emacs

    Embark for Emacs seems like a useful way to further customize Emacs actions (M-x). I still don’t understand why I would want to use it, so this note is an exploration to try it out and see if it’s useful.

    What can you do with embark?

    I’m still figuring out what will be most useful for me, but I’m keeping a running log of what I find below.

    Cherry-picking results

    Select a custom set of results from a list of completions and export it into a new buffer to use later. For example, I can search org-roam for notes I need to complete that are tagged with #draft and then use embark to select a few notes I want to work on. Embark persists this new list in a buffer I can return to later.

    Compose results

    We can extend the above technique to build up a customized list of items from multiple searches. For example, I can start a search for notes about “AI”, select some results (C-. SPC), then search for LLMs and select those results, thereby accumulating the items across multiple searches. Invoking embark-export puts that in a new buffer to go through later just as before.

    You can view the intermediate results by using embark-live.


    • Unfortunately, the results won’t update the live list unless the search query is changed.
    • I can’t seem to select all items from the search results without exporting a new buffer.
    • I would love to be able to come back to an export and add more to it later, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that.

    Narrow down results

    Methodically narrow down a large list of results you don’t want to lose, export a sublist, and then work on that without losing your history.

    Add contextual actions

    I want to use embark to select a region and fix all the grammar and spelling mistakes using gptel (see ways to use AI with Emacs).

    (I haven’t done this yet but am planning to try and extend the list of actions.)

    Maintaining flow

    Sometimes you’re in the minibuffer and realize there was something else you needed to do on the same item. Rather than exit (C-g), use embark to take another action instead and come back to what you were doing (C-u C-.).

    You can even use another action that isn’t already defined by calling M-x and come right back to where you were.

    Create a new note with a title from the selected region

    Select some text and then use embark to insert a new org-roam note using the text as the title (C-. M-x org-roam-node-insert).

    Other thoughts

    Embark is close to a “universal interface” for invoking actions on items. The completions framework that Emacs introduced makes it possible for Embark to operate on anything using exactly the same pattern. What’s incredible is that means nothing in Emacs needs to be updated to work with Embark.

    I’m starting to think this is a rather important discovery for UX. Search is the first step; what you do with it next is the second half.

    Embark broke my brain at first, but it makes a lot more sense when you try to use it. Notice how it seems to just work everywhere and in ways that you would expect. Files, buffers, links, search, etc.

    I was worried that this would all feel very modal and require rote memorization to do anything useful. Somehow it doesn’t feel like that because it’s all operating on text and a limited set of object types at the end of the day. Even if it is modal, there are not that many modes.

    See also:

  • Things I Use That Are 10+ Years Old

    I was thinking the other day that there are few objects that I use somewhat regularly that are more than 10 years old.

    • Patagonia Better Sweater (brown)
    • CX Cargo Guitar (carbon fiber travel guitar)
    • Ray Bans (with the NYC subway map printed on the inside)
    • A New York Knicks hat
    • Midori Travelers notebook (a gift from my brother)
    • Ikea plates (literally indestructible)

    The list feels pretty sparse considering how much stuff I’ve accumulated over the years. It also reminds me to be mindful the next time I buy something in these every-day categories. Will I enjoy using it for 10 years?

    (Surprisingly, there might be more digital things I use regularly that are that old e.g. gmail, dropbox, reddit!)

    See also:

  • Theories of Consciousness

    There are many theories put forth to explain human consciousness and experiments are running to test them. With all the discussion around AGI, it’s timely to keep an eye on them.

    Higer-order theory

    Humans become conscious of a thing (like what they are seeing) when there is a meta representation of it in the higher-order parts of the brain. This is kind of like the “symballs” analogy from I Am a Strange Loop.

    Global workspace theory

    Information enters consciousness when it is accessed and broadcast in a “workspace”, moving information from local processing units to the brain-wide workspace.

    Integrated information theory

    Concsciousness arises from the integration of information in a system where the greater degree of integration (more connections) the higher the level of consciousness.

    See also: Consciousness is categories but as Douglas Hofstadter would argue, it is conscious or it is not, there is no unit of consciousness

    Recurrent processing theory

    There needs to be a loop of information flow from higher-order cognitive areas to lower sensory processing areas in both directionsβ€”top-down and bottom-up.

    See also: Presence of a feedback loop shifts perception from mechanics to desires

  • Ways to Use AI With Emacs

    I want to better utilize AI tools in my day-to-day work. I suspect there is much more I can be doing and using Emacs as building material to make it work for me.

    What can I do with AI and Emacs?

    Writing prose

    • Rewrite and replace region to fix spelling and grammar but preserving as much of the original prose as possible
    • Ask questions about the current document context
    • Make a flow chart from the text (maybe graphviz?)
    • Summarize a doc or region
    • Rewrite and replace text for clarity
    • Retry the last prompt to iterate on different instructions
    • Select text, write custom instruction, send
    • Create pre-canned prompts I use frequently (e.g. fix this grammar, make it shorter, etc.)
    • Dispatch to org-ai on the section or file prompting for other things I’ve written which might be related
    • Summarize a link

    Writing code

    • Write function from a comment and fill in the rest
    • Debug section of code known to be wrong
    • Fix badly formatted code
    • Refactor a complicated function
    • Generate a test from the function or module
    • Write bash script for command line
    • Ask question of log output or data from a SQL query


    • Construct follow up messages for delegated tasks in org-agenda for work that are not complete yet
    • Write the basic outline of an investor update from updated information
    • Write a weekly summary and priorities for the team

  • Results Don't Matter

    I was watching an interview with Kobe Bryant where he talks about his workouts and approach to basketball. When asked if he ever gets nervous and what he does about it, he says, “the results don’t really matter” and that it’s much more important to focus on the process of improving every day. Moments like game winning shots come and go (even if you make them, the points go back to zero the next day) but the thing you can control is yourself.

    That got me thinking about how focused we should be on results in everyday life. It’s easy to ignore results in basketball (at least short term) which has clear win/lose criteria (a literal scoreboard), but other domains not so much.

    Still, experimenting and adjusting the underlying systems and processes that drive results feels like the right lesson about being productive when under enormous pressure to deliver. How people respond to the pressure in a productive way (like Kobe) makes a difference.